What are you struggling with? Do you have an idea you are trying to implement and for some reason you have come to an impasse? Are you scared to share your idea with others? Sometimes the very thing you are scared of is the direction you need to turn to.
We are not islands meant to stand alone. Everyone needs someone, even super you. Seek the help of someone you trust, they just may have the answer or contact you have been looking for.
Well, Bro Rich - when it rains it pours here in Da Rich House;-). Glad u're back! See my struggle in the post before this one! Can someone come over & help me go thru these papers? Good LAWD I think they're breeding!
I really like this and it is so true Rich...finding those like minds and spirits can mean the difference between moving ahead and standing still.
Cap - your papers are breeding! LOL , too funny!
Now THAT's TRUTH! We are not meant to walk this journey alone. Think about this: If you show up at heaven's gate alone, you will likely be turned away. The price of admission (among other things) is bringing another soul with you.
1 Jn 4:20-21
I dont really THINK I have a struggle.... (laughs)....I dont!! =)
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