One of my girls (blogging buddy Sheletha) made the "comment of the year" when she said (in response to a post) a man's johnson had to have some weight on it to make her happy. Well, she's not alone in that department. It seems Sanaa Lathan feels the same way.

When asked about her flavor du jour, Lathan, who fell in love with and dated a white man for two years during her grad school days at Yale, insists she doesn't have a type. She does have a preference, though. "I don't discriminate, but I tend to gravitate toward Black Men," she admits. "Maybe it's something that they have, like their weight and rhythm, but being with a brother just feels like home to me."

When asked about her flavor du jour, Lathan, who fell in love with and dated a white man for two years during her grad school days at Yale, insists she doesn't have a type. She does have a preference, though. "I don't discriminate, but I tend to gravitate toward Black Men," she admits. "Maybe it's something that they have, like their weight and rhythm, but being with a brother just feels like home to me."
Well, Sanaa, if you are out there, you are always welcome at The Rich House. I've never dated a white woman, not that I didn't have the chance, but something about the sisters just felt right. So, I know what you mean about feeling like you are at home.
So tell me people, what is it about the opposite sex that you really like? What moves you?
So tell me people, what is it about the opposite sex that you really like? What moves you?

I love the way a brotha commands attention when he walks into a room. The swagga the sheer confidence that makes a black man believe that he is magnificent!!!
Oh, and he gotta have some weight on it...
whol' up that weight or bullshit yous talkin' about????
i'm just kiddin' know me.
just like in the lyrics, "black, white, puerto rican or haitian" (a tribe called quest) i've dated them all and then some...but it's something about a woman in general that's such a turn on. Dr. Maya Angelou's "Phenomenal Woman" comes to mind. (just to let you know...i'm thinking about creating a screenplay titled "Phenomenal Woman"..i'll keep y'all posted on that...hey sanaa, busy?)
like robin harris once sed, "i want me a wuman!"
..there's nuthin' like y'all..and for my SISTERS. just extra icing on the cake. mainly because you're a reflection of me and my heritage.
that's nuthin' against other races, it's about my lineage. my heritage. my life.
the quest of where we've been and where we're going...TOGETHER
there's nuthin' like having a good sister on your side, my brothers. NOTHING!!! ...especially women from the south.
gud lawd!...many sisters from the south still maintain those "old fashioned values" that we're missing in relationships. not necessarily talking about being "submissive" to your man, but in tuned to what their mamas, grandmamas and aunties brought them up on along the way. whether their fathers were in their lives or not, those sisters seem to have carved their own place in independence but yet honoring their man in the process.
okay for all you women, elsewhere in the may fire at lance when ready! ;-P
(I'm really behind on this one) I have to agree with sheletha. I love a man that commands....everything! His WEIGHT is sooo necessary. I dated this one guy that opened my sexual eyes, and he was "weighted down", and dont forget the "Flow"....its gotta have some movement as well.
-California Dove
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