I’ve heard the words “Soul Mate” at least twice weekly for about the last month or so. It’s almost as if people are just throwing it around like its commonplace. However, it got me to thinking about just how many people end up with theirs.
In my lifetime I've had the occasion for more than one female to swear I was their dude. Not to mention I have felt at one time or another like someone that I was dating at the time was it, but then for some reason or another we broke up. So then you question, were they really my soul mate? Hmm, I don't know. This love thing is tricky. Too much TV gets in the way of relationships if you ask me, but that's another post. For now I just want to know if you believe in soul mates, what does the term mean to you, and are you with yours?

Please. There is nothing I believe in LESS.
Soulmates? Give me a break. It sounds like a term manufactured by greeting card companies.
People are in your world for a reason, season, lifetime. Iyanla Vanzant said that, I think.
When people get out of your life for no particular reason, then we just have to appreciate the time that we did have with them and learn the purpose that they had in our lives or vice versa.
So G.G. what about those who say they have found theirs?
It's all perception, Rich.
I'm sure some people really believe in soul mates...for those people I offer up nothing but happiness and encouragement.
For myself, though, I can't wrap my mind around the idea that there is only one soul floating around out there that is able to mate with mine.
I'm with Saadie on this one...I don't use nor do I feed into the Soul Mate "fad". I think it's just another way to open up the mind of someone "seeking" and use it to explore many, many options. If I say, I'm looking for my soul mate, that is an open invitation to hook up with as many women as possible..."oops, sorry baby, I like you..but I dont think we are soul mates....NEXT!!!"
oops..Saadia. Sheletha is on it too though..Enjoy it while it lasts...that's my motto! Carpe Diem!
So, basically, you are saying it can be used as game. Hmm, never looked at it that way.
Could be that the other person is just trying to sway you into being with them by appealing to something they see in you. Hmmm.
I don't think we have to look at soulmates as particularly being the one you will live and love forever...maybe they are there to help you grow, achieve, learn, progress in someway...they recognize things in you noone else has...maybe they bring out the best in you...or even perhaps the worse, but what you learn from this experience should help elevate you to the next level in life...i do believe in soulmates but not purely for love and i guess this kind of goes along with what Sheletha said about Iyanla's quote. As far as game goes, that wouldn't go over with me. Anybody who drops their drawers bc of that is stupid. A soulmate is felt and not seen.
"So, basically, you are saying it can be used as game. Hmm, never looked at it that way."
I hate Game, that bitch needs to be stomped...
ahhh, shit...
the lanceman cometh... (;-O
game recognizes game money...yeah, you're hand is over yo mouf for a reason.....lol
...you know the deal playa.
women got game just as much as guys...it's just a question of how far she wants to be "preceived" in the game. whether it's playing the field or trying "too hard" to impress that someone. it's all game.
that "soulmate" thing is just metaphor to entrap...sorta like a spiderweb to a fly
lol...sheletha, you hate game, me too! I'm just pointing out a different perspective! I know enough players and have been exposed to enough to know that people...men and women...twist anything to their own selfish desires...I tell a woman straight up that I want to do her...no hidden agendas..why? too old for that crap!! and mizrepresent, love the way you think but if the heart is open and a person is a good enough at deception..it will be felt.
that bitch game has ruined a lot of true hearts. Game has been the one that tells a player say i love you when they really don't mean it. Game has been looking real familiar lately and needs to be taken out...
Lance leave Rich alone.
(;-P <== to sheletha!
sheletha...are u starting a revolution? this really must be a hot topic for you...sorry darlin..i really didnt mean to get u all pissed off!
Mizrepresent has a good point. I believe that there will be several different people who pass through your life that help you become a better person. It's not about the "love" aspect. I have had three soulmates in my life so far...and I'm sure there will be more. My mother, my grandpa (RIP), and my husband. These people have helped me grow emotionally, mentally and spirtually.
I long for a soul mate. But it seems such is impossible nowadays. but i am hopeful
T, I hope this doesn't sound gay, but I'm with Saadia, I've been trying to figure out how a brother like you who seems to have so much on the ball is having a hard time finding love. With the ratio of men to women out there, it seems like you'd have it made.
While I know from my own experiences that it's about more than the external appearances, guys like us are magnets for ladies, especially now that we are older. I don't know one sister who isn't looking for a smart intelligent, funny, alpha male who knows how to appreciate a woman.
Dirty Red, you put a whole new twist on this with the female soul mate. I happen to know (not from any personal experiences) that you are very heterosexual. - She's good lookin' too fella's - Anywho, I've never looked at a non-sexual relationship as falling into the soulmate category. I guess that goes back to Girly Girl's earlier statement "it's all perception".
speakin' about "perception"...how come i got trash cans by my comments?...am i talkin' that much shit????
No one should be able to see those but you. It allows you to delete your comment if you don't like it.
ahhhh...i don't know how i put it up there...WAIT!!!!...maybe God's tryna tell me something!!!! (;-X
nice...I also never thought of the good friend(same sex) soul mate either. I must think with "mr willy"...lol@rich with the "not trying to sound gay" line...u good brah..i feel you on the that though..We cut from a similar tree. Helping folks out with a hint of controversy!!! LOL
that's funny d.c. "mr. willie"....which really solve the "soul mate" the question for us guys
take away "mr willie", "jimmy", "buddy" or the many others and there's no soul mate. no soul at all, just a hollow shell of a man.
hahahahaha...im nt touching that one. ill leave that to the ladies! I hear a male bashing in the very near future..why did u have to say that lance?..lol
im curious about what the deleted comment said...email me rich..
I want to know when you're going to post about too much tv? My soulmate would NOT watch too much tv & would NOT have one in our bedroom;-). I do think there are people who are created FOR each other - haven't been blessed to find mine, yet...but I still trust!
Addendum after reading several of the other posts:-):
As far as the relationship "game" with its deceitful people - I FIRMLY believe no matter HOW "good" the "player" I have always really known when I was being lied to. I decided what I wanted from it...whether to ignore the lies or not.
And I still believe there is a SoulMate for me. I had to experience some of the players to learn to decipher "shyt from shinola", as my Daddy says;-)
wow...this blog really has been going a while...
excellent comment capcity..
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