Here are some of mine:
Angela Bofil
Keith Washington
Miles Jaye
Steve Arrington -- looked this one up - In 1986 Arrington experienced a religious conversion, left pop music, and is now a minister at his own Amazing Love Full Gospel Church in Kettering, Ohio, near Dayton.
Dana Dane
Chubb Rock
Rob Bass
Now I can't think of anymore. I had a ton of them earlier. Help me out, who do you remember?

I thought Miles Jaye was the bomb, caught him in a concert with Bobby Brown on the AU center campus, hot fun in the summertime.
I miss -
The System- one of the baddest black/white duo's....Don't disturb this Groove!
The Rude Boys- one good cd, then after that, nothing.
Solo- These boys could sing and perform...but i guess they just didn't catch on...should have stayed with that old school feel...but they wanted to chase them young
Maxwell- How long must we wait?
DeAngelo- Come on dude...where you at?
Chico Debarge (his first cd was so and in concert he was something else.)
The System was the bomb.
Rude Boys, remind me of Ready For the World and Troop. All those groups just disappeared.
I saw Keith Washington when I was in Detroit chillin at the Friday's....No Lie.
Chubb Rock was recently on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, he got pranked by Tommy. I think he has a Independent lable bringing out his music... I usta love him. He was so juicy lookin!
Kwame did some producing on Fantasia's pice of bullshit
I see someone is in the know.
i read liner notes.
Hey She,
Does Keith still look the same? He still got that processed hair?
gurl, it was so funny because when I saw him I did a double take..the process is gone but it was still a square like fade...he had all these females around him like he was still 'the man'...I was like 'is that the hasbeen keith washington?'
i got embarrased because i thought i said has-been too loud
Angela Winbush for me...MAN that was my girl. um...Lela Hathaway...I like her.
She, you are funny, but I like ya.
lol She, box i hate when i guy wears an outdated hairstyle...even stars.
Denise Williams - whatever happened to her??
Deniece Williams just dropped a new joint this month. She even has a Myspace page. Check out, and get the podcast for Itunes. The music on that site is SLAMMIN'! The news on new/old artists is pretty much on point, too.
Oh, and Deniece Williams looks GOOD! Lemme say that again: GOOD!
what about christopher williams:
i was crazy about him - but after nino brown told him to, "sit your 5 dollar ass down before i make change" i haven't seen him..
the boys/abc:
these kids were so cute way back then - i wonder what they are looking like now! what are they doing?
i'm with you on the system:
here in dc, there is even a go-go song that samples it! crazy!
Wow, that's good to here know Denise is my homegirl, born and raised in Gary, IND... Good looking out.
DCSAVY- Yeah i also wondered about Christopher Williams, he had a good voice, but i think his looks went to his least when lightskinned was in big time.
The boys/ i would love to see them all grown up, hope they got an education and are doing something with themselves.
Speaking of DC - what happened to that Go-Go group, of the Go-Go i loved that know the guys that made..."Let me clear my Voice"..that is still the jam with me!
someone's looking for angela bofill?!? wow.
i have no idea where she is, but i'm looking for that sista too!
@just...lalah hathaway put out a cd earlier this year if i'm not mistaken. i still play her first cd at least once a month.
@miz...i heard maxwell is trying to let those pesky 'he's gay' rumors die down before he drops the next cd. you know sistas will cut that dude out if it turns out to be true.
d'angelo was arrested a while back. at this point i'm not sure if the brotha's EVER gonna put out something new.
where's keith sweat at? and what about the group silk? where 112 at?
Silk & 112
Well 112 was with Bad Boy and if Puff ain't in it hes not going to properly market it... I like 112 especially their debut album
Silk--dem afrikans could sing, I broke my neck to get their 2nd cd, but that was some garbage, so they fooled me once,but never again.
I know one of the singers started doing those stage play "mama dont beat me cause i wanna sing" type circuits.
Yeah Sheletha,
The lead singer has been doing his own thing...i saw him last summer at an outdoor concert...boy that boy can blow, he turned that concert out...i didn't even miss the other guys.
Nikki - Maxwell GAY??? Say it ain't so...yeah i heard them rumors too!
keith sweat - keith sweat is doing radio now. he is on a station here and has a show called "the sweatotel" kinda like the swissotel only lame. I wanted to call him one night i had my radio on just to say hi and ask him to play "right and wrong way" but i fell asleep.
i miss (in no particular order) Michael Jackson (i doubt he's coming back), Rick James (i know he's not coming back), Parliament/Funkadelic Concerts (if there's FUNK in heaven), Barry White (i know he's not coming back), and Phyllis Hyman (such a sad story).
Chub Rock has a new single that has been playin on Michael Baisden's show. Its a tribute to the old school hip hop artist. Pretty nice
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