Sometimes the how’s and when’s of money can be overwhelming, especially if your present j.o.b (just over broke) doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. If that’s the case, then here is some wisdom that I adhere to when times seem to be a bit uncomfortable for my taste. It has helped me stay on task and make it to the next level.
To avoid thoughts of lack, focus on creating that leads to income/wealth building. Depleting some of your resources is inevitable, but if you maintain a regenerative viewpoint you will allow the creative process to work in your favor.
Realize that you have been given the power to create wealth.
To avoid thoughts of lack, focus on creating that leads to income/wealth building. Depleting some of your resources is inevitable, but if you maintain a regenerative viewpoint you will allow the creative process to work in your favor.
Realize that you have been given the power to create wealth.
(Deut 8:18)

I LIKE the theme of REGENERATION on many levels Brother Rich. I'll start my health & wealth regeneration accountability blog-posting soon. GOT to get me on track!!
Excellent Rich!
New here, nice post will be back. Check me out over ats ma spot.
Welcome to The Rich House brother Ray. Come back as often as you like.
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