Well, it's February and Tuesday Missourians get to vote. I think you already know who I'm voting for. Not because he's an African American or a brother, but because I think he will do a good job of leading the country.
This past weekend, I took three of my kids (6, 10 and 11) to the rally for Barack Obama. We stood out in the cold for an hour and a half and then stood for another 2 hours indoors waiting on the candidate we hope will be the next President of these United States. They had a remarkable time. We were actually about 30 feet or so from the stage so they got some Mardis Gras beads as well as placards that they have since pinned to their bedroom wall in memory of the night. This is truly a historic time and I'm glad that I could share that bit of history with them. In my 40 years of life, I can't think of a more excited time that I have participated in with regard to politics. I can now relate to the excitement felt by those who believed in the vision of the man, who I share a middle name with -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Randomness, pt.2
Sometimes in life, you happen upon a book that really speaks to you. It is as if the book actually found you and not you, it. As I look back to a chance meeting in June 2007 in the St. Louis Airport, I would have to say that is absolutely the case here. At that time I met the real Chris Gardner, for whom one of my favorite actors, Will Smith, portrayed in the film, Pursuit of HappYness. If you thought the movie was good, you should definitely pick up a copy of the book by the same title. The movie doesn't nearly do his story justice. It really didn't go down the way the movie portrayed it either, but I can see why they put the Hollywood twist on it. To actually give this guy's life any justice on film would require it be done in a mini-series. The obstacles and challenges he overcome were incredible and he has really inspired me to continue reaching for higher heights. After reading his book I have but one regret. I wish I had read the book prior to my meeting Mr. Gardner. The conversation would have gone totally different. Not that it wasn't unforgettable as it was, but I would have had so much more I would have inquired about. Who knows, maybe we're destined to meet again. I sure hope so.
You're definitely destined for big thangs. Drop in and holla at your boy sometimes. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one who takes the photo at that next, chance, meeting. Stay up Bro...
Dude, I have been looking for a link to your spot and can't find it. I know I was there not too long ago. Anyway, your profile is blocked, so there is no acess using the link to your name. Hit me up with a url.
I'm glad you were able to share a historic moment with your kids. We don't get to vote here until Saturday so I'll be there as soon as the polls open.
I am still kicking myself for not being able to attend the Rally and I'm even more upset that I didn't have a chance to interview Obama but one day...one day soon I hope. I applaud you for taking kids to such an event and I hope that they remember this day for ever.
These are not JUST randomness-es;-) ... these are blessed experiences! Yea, Mega Rich - claim your place/talents! This is an historical time to be alive ...but, then as Black Folk when HAVEN'T we lived in intense times & affected historical change (positive or negative)? ;-)
Oh, Rich - in case Tony hasn't responded to ya, here's his URL:
http://media2live4.blogspot.com/. T-Dawg added him to my post of Brothers blogging long ago!
I've got some catching up to do! My blogroll hasn't shown a new post here in a week and I have been too lazy to just click the link and check in.
Note to self: In a world where every imaginable convenience is right there at your fingertips...use your fingertips! :)
Anyway, I have read the Pursuit twice now and I am with you, it is one of those special volumes I feel I will turn to again and again as it has many pertinent lessons to be learned. I also agree with your assessment of the movie and its failure to compare to the book but I will forgive the shortcomings b/c with Will in the lead, it made up for them in other ways for sure!
I hope you do get to meet Mr. Gardner again!
I'll follow your advice as soon as I finish the new blog based lit I've already promised to buy.
Hey Brother,
Here is a link for you. It was quite inspiring to me. www.dipdive.com
Oh and I launched a political blog---not it isn't as heavy hitting as most, but it is my spin. www.lovebabz08.wordpress.com
Great photo!
I am sure your kids will remember this forever and will share with their kids...what a great moment for all of you!
That you gave your time to your family in that way--giving your children a piece of history--is no surprise. Reminding people subliminally to vote their conscience and not their skin tone just shows good wisdom. BUT, it's a good thing to see a great candidate who looks like most of my family!
Probably the last movie which brought tears to my eyes. I've never read the book but eventually I will. Good deal with the picture.
You appear to be a great father, Rich. Your kids are blessed. I am sure they realize it, but not many are. Your kids are witnessing history first hand, one way or another.
Man we have Gardener in common. He spoke at a conference I attended in Philly. We got a chance to chat afterward and he was REAL. He talked about some good ol' boy in TX tellin' him N-Word jokes when they did business after he started working for a brokerage (and he laughed at all of them). One day the guy wanted to meet him (which he tried to put off for as long as he could). Chris' boss was out, he went into his office, moved the pics and perpetrated like it was his. Ol' dude fell out when he saw him. Chris said, "Look. It's about the money. Am I taking care of your money?" The guy got on the phone immediately and moved all of his oil money to Chris' care.
I had him sign TWO books.
That is played out in the book. It was funny as heck. The book was real good. I would love to have an audio version of it.
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