I’ve heard the words “Soul Mate” at least twice weekly for about the last month or so. It’s almost as if people are just throwing it around like its commonplace. However, it got me to thinking about just how many people end up with theirs.
In my lifetime I've had the occasion for more than one female to swear that I was their dude. Not to mention I have felt at one time or another like someone that I was dating was it for me, but then for some reason or another we broke up. So then comes the question, were they really my soul mate? Hmm, I don't know. I would like to think I'm with who I was destined to be with. This love thing is tricky though. Too much TV gets in the way of relationships if you ask me, but that's another post. For now I just want to know if you believe in soul mates, what does the term mean to you, and are you with yours?
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
I believe that "soulmates" is a term that fits any positive relationship between two people. It sounds romantic to folks who want storybook fantasies for lives, but the reality is that soulmates tend to be friends who have an immediate connection, one that weathers good and bad in life. I'm blessed: the love of my life IS my soulmate.
I used to be one of those who believed their was one person who was destined to be your "soulmate". I also believed in fairytale relationships and fantasy endings. Of course, I grew up and was struck with reality. Now, I believe that soulmates are any person or people who touch your soul and leave imprints on your heart regardless of whether they are in your life for a reason, season or lifetime.
Hey Brother!
I know having sex with people creates soul ties....so surely there is a thing called soulmates......
I believe that their is someone destined for everyone..I think people can truly become soulmates when they have a relationship that includes spiritually growing together.....reciprocity....love...committment...and communication....
I wonder if you have to be married to truly be soulmates???
i think your soulmate is the one you're willing to do whatever you gotta do in order to maintain that intimate relationship.
Well we all know I aint found my brother to the night yet...
and I dont believe there is one soulmate for each person... I believe its more so fate and you meeting a person when you both allow yourself to be in the right state of mind and click...
Oh I do so believe in soulmates! I believe we are destined for each other in a grand way.
I believe in fairy tales and true love. I believe love conquers all.
I am not jaded and I will never give up hope that my soul mate is just around the corner...waiting for me to arrive!
It means connecting with someone in a space that is only designed for them. It is kindness and patience and reverence for our mutual well-being. It is for me the one that knows my heart and mind and is glad to know me everyday!
just sayinh hi, and happy weekend.
I used to be an avid believer of soul mates, but now I don't know anymore, I think a part of me doesn't even question it anymore. I just want to be the one that had God's stamp and seal of approval. Sometimes I think we think too much and seek His face too little when it comes to matters of the heart.
Great post.
I believe in soulmates...and i believe he will find me soon, if he hasn't already, but i'm gonna rely on my heavenly father to point me in the right direction.
I believe in soulmates
I believe a soulmate is someone who you can connect with mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. You can truly be yourself and they bring you to peace. They feel like your other half, your partner in life. You and your true soul mate complement each other.
I believe that every body has at least one soul mater, but you are not limited to having only one that exists.
I do believe that I my husband is my soulmate.
88% of singles believe that there is one person in the world meant for them a soulmate. Why so many believers. They are tapping into a soul memory implanted deeply within their hearts. There is plenty of evidence to support soulmate theory. My latest book examines the spiritual terrain of soulmate relationships--a must read for all those looking for their divine complement (the title of my book). Visit my site at http://www.ariadnegreen.com to read about Divine Complement.
God Bless you.
yep the soul is a fragile organ
I tell you this, there really isn't a shortage of soul mates, but we miss them or they miss us looking for the superficial and not the spiritual, so yes there are soul mates for everyone we just have to become soulful in our approach to finding them!
Intimate Outings of Love
most of the poeple who said they had a soul mate probably didnt have a soul
i kow ive said it many times myself but i ended breaking up with that person
i think if you really have a soulmate you dont have to say it
you just take it for granted
I'm not sure if there is really such a thing as a "soul mate". The law of attractions states we are drawn to what interests us. Therefore, the looks get first priority (regardless to what people say)...looks have drawing power BUT not staying power... there has to be depth behind the appearance...something that not only captures your attention but holds it. Once you find that you truly have some of the same hopes, dreams, ideas, values, likes, dislikes...(which never comes out in the beginning) Like Chris Rock said..when you're meeting someone for the first few times, each one of you is sending out a REPRESENTATIVE..the real you isn't revealed until later...if at that point both of you still gel..then you make a go of it and grow together, share together, love together until the soul's connect...So..like i said..i don't really think there's a soul mate somewhere in the world just waiting for you or me to find him or her. The soul of the one you truly love and who truly loves you develop this connection over time.
I'm a Mississippi blogger by the way if you wanna add me to your roll.
i believe - but u know that already... ;-)
i also believe that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
~ Hebrews 11:1
And U KNOW how i feel about TV...
Hey Rich!!!! Soulmate? I don't know, when I was 23 I thought so...now at 29-30, I don't know so much...I would love to beleive so but everything I thought I knew about men and relationships was wrong....
Soulmates is a romantic term. A lot of times our hearts will tell us "he" or "she" is the one but later find out that he or she isn't the soulmate we thought they were.
What was the question again? LOL. There can be more than one soulmate. Some folks are in our life for a season and then there are those who are meant to be our mates for a lifetime.
I believe soul mates are those who have been chosen to walk the path of this particular life with you, which is not to say that they are the best for you romantically.
I believe that I have at least one soul mate, perhaps two in my life. These men drive me absolutely crazy, I have loved them both passionately at different times, but ultimately they are my life partners, no matter what we do, we stay connected thru thick and thin.
They are my constant companions even in their absence, our connection doesn't require telephones are emails, when I call to them from my heart they answer and they find me.
Neither relationship has been a fairy tale, but each was fated. I'll know them forever.
I have been pass and read this post eight times and everyone's comments.
I still don't have an answer.
There should definately be a moment where you understand that a person is your soulmate.I think that moment should be after you have passed being infactuated with someone because that definately clouds your mind. If you are in love with someone (or believe you are) then you want them to be your soulmate because if not, why are you with them? would you want to pass your soulmate up for them? I think that's why people say it so much. A lot of times we dont want to admit that we are not with our soulmates and/or we may not even love (or are in love with)the person we are with because then you have to question why you are with them. So yes, I believe in soulmates. But I also believe we have multiple soulmates, and only one twin soul. Soulmates to me are people that have a very strong connection with you. But I think when people talk about soulmates in a romantic sense they are speaking of twin souls, someone that is your "other half", you were created for them and they were created for you. Most people never marry that twin soul.
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