If your place of employment is anything like mine, you have an occasion to hide what you are doing from nosey on-lookers who walk up on you. So, rather than clumsily search for the close window button, we've added a feature I'll call "The Sheletha", in honor of my favorite "Running out of the room" Lo Zoner.
So In the spirit of my girl "Lee Lee", you will now have access to a little feature that allows you to go "Running Out The Room" on all of our blog posts. Just click the little green logo that follows for a quick demo.

Out of flippin control!!!!!
In honor of you -- I have been laughing at your comments all weekend from Mel's b-day post.
"It's gotta have some weight" is totally classic. Someone needs to write a song on that line alone.
The Sheletha feature is off the chains! I don't have any coworkers sneaking up on me, but I have something worse...a nosey husband!
Sheletha, I've been laughing at the Mel post all weekend long, too. You crack me up!
Haaa Haa laugh it up peeps! I was over here slidin down walls, trippin about the craziness of it all. Im over it now. Its good to know that Im providing the daily dose of laughter that everyone needs.
I have more little sayings that I have picked up either from college or my book club.
"kick rocks" came from my friend in school who would always say that to anyone who would announce where they are going when they were not asked. The imagery of someone just forelorn kickin rocks as they walk down the street cracks me up even today.
"weight on it" well me and my girls would go to the male revue's all the time back in the day. This mugg looked as if he pulled out a forearm on our asses the announcer said "yeah ladies that one has some weight on it" Ive been using it every since.
"Sliding down the wall" thats for all the drama that just causes a person just to fall out totally. Again, the imagery and dramatic effect of sliding down the wall cracks me da hell up. So I started using it in conversation all the time.
I could write a glossery of all the crazy stuff my bookclub comes up with...but then again, that is what makes my bookclub special and dear to me. The inside jokes that are not inside anymore
When I saw that feature, I had to add it to the site.
Come on girly girl, can you blame him. You are a nice looking lady. I'd be watching too, making sure you wasn't hooking up with any cyber dudes.
Sheletha, you need to create a blogger account with a picture, so we can add to the experience, you don't have to create a site to load your picture.
ROFL!!!!!! That Sheletha feature is HILARIOUS!!!!!
I love all the Sheletha-isms, but I think my favorite is 'sliding down the wall.' That one provides such a great visual...
Okay Rich, I did it. But now I dont know what to do with it...
Take the link on the main page of The Rich house and email me your number, I'll call you later and walk you through the process. Once your picture is loaded, all you have to do is be logged in with your Blogger ID as opposed to "other" or "anonymous". I like to switch back and forth, as you can tell, because I get tired of seeing me.
I'm with girly-girl, I love the Sheletha-isms. Of coure run out the room is good, but I also like kick rocks. I love getting my visual on.
"I love getting my visual on."
I couldn't have said it better myself. I absolutely need a visual.
OOHHHHH Im gotta go take a cute picture....
LOL, I can see now that I am not going to get any work (home or at work) done now. With entertainment like this who needs TV.
Fortunately, I don't have a boss but I love the feature just the same so now when an employee walks in I can type in, "ways to fire people" and hit the button.
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