I wonder where this guy would be today in comparison to other comedians. He was at the top of the game when he made his debut. He may be gone, but his jokes will live on forever. Give it up for the man who brought us, Bay Bay's Kids. Mr. Robin Harris.
[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]

I would like to think that he wouls have continued to star in our black comedy films such as Friday x3, Big Momma and any of the Wayans films.
Is it true that he is related to Bernie Mac?
Hmm, I'll have to look into that. I never heard about any relation there.
robin harris...
without a doubt he was one of the last great ones...
about three months ago, i purchased the dvd, "live from the comedy act theatre: robin harris". it details robin's humble beginnings there with remarks from joe torry and others. robin was his mentor coming from the same town, chicago as well as many other comedians. in the video it detailed many of his comedic acts at the comedy theatre, which spawn the original def comedy jam, in which he was going to be the first host but passed away before series started.
there's another one out called "the robin harris story - we don't die, we multipy"...i haven't got it yet but this one and the one i spoke about are available on amazon.com
this latter dvd is interesting because it supposedly has bernie mac commenting on robin's life and many will note, if it wasn't for robin harris, there wouldn't be a bernie mac
Hmmm. I'll have to check that out. It sounds very interesting.
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