Most people, including myself, are always on a quest for more. More money, more house, more out of our careers, more out of our relationships, just plain old more. Well, recently I had a lesson (actually a refresher course) in the theory of less being more.
As it happens, I've been driving the same pickup for a number of years now and basically swore to drive it till the wheels fell off. I've maintained that position, because I haven't had a car payment in three years for either of the vehicles we drive, and I was in no rush to take on a car note since my desire was to pay cash for my next vehicle. Anyway, I parked my truck last Tuesday because of a problem that presented itself while I was driving home (the brake line started leaking). Anyway, I decided not to repair the truck because there are other things that need to be addressed with the vehicle as well. In the meantime, I have been sharing a vehicle with my wife which is where the lesson comes in.
Sharing a vehicle has forced us to spend more time together, because she has been dropping me off and picking me up from work and will continue to do so until I decide to buy another vehicle. This has had an impact on our relationship. A good one! We've been hanging out every evening just enjoying each other's company as we take our time to get back home to the kids (our teenager is the built in babysitter).
In addition to spending time with my wife, I now get to interact with all my kids in the morning, where I normally would be up and out before they awake. I've been able to help my wife get her day started by helping get the kids off to school and then help her cleanup from the early morning rush.
Basically the loss of a vehicle, which by most standards is seen as less when you are used to having two cars has turned out to actually be a blessing. It's been such a positive experience that I've been reminded that less sometimes means more.
When we encounter situations that cause us to view our lives as having less of the things we want, sometimes it could very well be a blessing. We just need to take the time to see the situation through another set of eyes and realize that this could be a case of less being more.
As it happens, I've been driving the same pickup for a number of years now and basically swore to drive it till the wheels fell off. I've maintained that position, because I haven't had a car payment in three years for either of the vehicles we drive, and I was in no rush to take on a car note since my desire was to pay cash for my next vehicle. Anyway, I parked my truck last Tuesday because of a problem that presented itself while I was driving home (the brake line started leaking). Anyway, I decided not to repair the truck because there are other things that need to be addressed with the vehicle as well. In the meantime, I have been sharing a vehicle with my wife which is where the lesson comes in.
Sharing a vehicle has forced us to spend more time together, because she has been dropping me off and picking me up from work and will continue to do so until I decide to buy another vehicle. This has had an impact on our relationship. A good one! We've been hanging out every evening just enjoying each other's company as we take our time to get back home to the kids (our teenager is the built in babysitter).
In addition to spending time with my wife, I now get to interact with all my kids in the morning, where I normally would be up and out before they awake. I've been able to help my wife get her day started by helping get the kids off to school and then help her cleanup from the early morning rush.
Basically the loss of a vehicle, which by most standards is seen as less when you are used to having two cars has turned out to actually be a blessing. It's been such a positive experience that I've been reminded that less sometimes means more.
When we encounter situations that cause us to view our lives as having less of the things we want, sometimes it could very well be a blessing. We just need to take the time to see the situation through another set of eyes and realize that this could be a case of less being more.

it's a beautiful thing.
thanks for sharing. i'll keep this post in my thoughts.
I love that. We do the ride share too. My car has been parked,since the gas prices went north.
So true, those 30min in the car together is like a day. He does all the driving, and I feel like we're dating again. I even get a real kiss,compared to the pecks, before I get out of the car.
My staff thinks we are just being cheap-but the wealth of bonding is priceless.
Hats off to the Dix's marriage.
*I was reading a previous post: Miami in June? What's that all about? my husband and I can use new friends to hang out with. Can someone tell me more?
well, cali dove... this is kind of a jump off from lolita files' blog, the lo zone, www.lolitafiles.com where me and rich are regulars...
long story short, we were hoping to have a "lo zoners party" where we decided that miami would be the place since we, along with lolita and others have family/friends residing there. there's no promising that lolita will be there, so we'll have to make our own party on the beach.
right now, it's all about setting a date...look for it to be around mid-june, that's tentative for now, details later.
by the way, california dove....nice comment too...love's definitely in the air...ahhhh...a nice long drive up or down the PCH with someone special seems like the move. never done it before, but i hear the view is beautiful.
very nice rich - i am estatic for you and your wife~
Sometimes times like these force you to slow down and realize what you have around you also, as opposed to not appreciating it because of your focus on getting "more".
This is a great post!!
Lance-thanks for the update on. Yes the PCH/US-101 is a beautiful and dangerous drive. You need to drive at 35mph safely, plus you cant see the view any faster. However, I now enjoy Florida's First Coast-Jacksonville. So I guess you could call me Bi-Coastal.
true dat c-d, florida is truly beautiful...ever traveled us-1 all the way down to key west and the seven-mile bridge?...talk about beautiful and dangerous, on that bridge heading to key west, the atlantic ocean is to your left, the gulf of mexico to your right and if your not paying attention to the highway, the sharks are directly below you when you crash off the bridge.
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