One would think that this is a progressive trend. However, there are instances where steps forward can lead to issues that somehow make you feel like you are moving backwards.
Such is the case with this article.
Daphne Jones, of St. Louis, was employed by Healthcare Strategic Initiatives (HSI) until she was fired for wearing an offensive button that

The chain of events that followed that initial confrontation is what played into the company terminating her employment, but from my untrained eyes she has been treated unjustly. Aside from that, I can not believe they would compare her button as equal to one bearing a Swastica. I'm actually quite appaled that they would even attempt to make a connection like that.
Below, you will find a link with the full story. Please feel free to comment on the matter upon completion.
The St. Louis American: Black, Proud and Fired

Wow. Unbelievable.
I can't believe they likened it to wearing a button with a Swastika. A Swastika is a symbol of death and genocide to millions of Jewish people. A button that reads "I love being black" doesn't remind anyone of anything horrible. It confirms the wearers pride in his or her culture.
yeah, it's stupid as fuck..but whaddya gonna do???
in today's corporate "p.c." environment, i would have just taken the button off, called the hr director a "monkey sambo punk mutha fucka!!! (to myself, of course) and kept it moving, why? what difference is it going to make?
i'm still gonna love being black...
(yrrsuk) <--- the feds agree again!!!
That is why you are my man sir-lance (has a "lot" of dope stuff to say)
i have picked and chosen my own battles here and there... so i understaand why she fought and i understand why you would have taken the button off and thought.
the sad part about the boss... is that one day he is going to have to learn like a lot of other black folks with paper tiger power that white corporate america looks at brothers "in charge" like snoop dogg feels about women as he so elequently described in the album the cronic..."we don't love them hoes" too many brothers and sistes who have these positions feel like "massa" loves them... and he don't and won't.. so they spend their time carrying the water and keeping the natives in order while the cotton is picked. the few times i have gotten in position, i am thankful that i never believed the hype. but yet i know too many brothers i worked with that got their hearts straight broken after they were warned.....
yeah c-mac, the h.n.i.c's (head nigga in charge) of the world need to wake up!!!!...they are the hall monitors of corporate amerikkka.
which album was it...i think it was dr. dre's "the aftermath" where snoop was "eloquently" talking about "bitch ass niggas"????....
...obviously he was talkin' about this coon at HSI
okay, okay...i lub being black let me "try" to give this "brother" a hand, instead of the finger for a moment...
in reading into the article more...the "person" who was "offended" more than likely was an "asshole"...white or otherwise but probably was a "superior" or massa to the hr director, so his hands could have been tied behind his back. do ya think he's gonna lose his job over a button?...i think not. but then again, he should have researched the matter first before via the company's policy then talk to daphne so she coulda understand his position clearly.
i kno' damn well, he knew the shit was gonna hit the fan on this one, just the thought alone and on MLK Day too???
he wasn't thinking straight and babygurl had him shook. i wouldn't be surprised if, after the firing, he looked at himself in the mirror and shedded a tear.
betrayal of the heart & soul is hard to shake...
Eloquent analysis my brothers
Why does she feel she needs to be a walking advertisement for the late MLK? I would not be surprised if the Rev Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson dont take on her story. Promote it like Don King-Mike Tyson. Next thing you know she will be on Tavis reciting the " I Have A Dream" speech.
What bugs me is when black people have to make a big deal over something so small. Tell me, what's the principle behind her not removing the button? Does she really need a button to remind her that she is Black?
she will be thinking about it when her unemployed checks run out
OH that was deep! I am really really surprised that she had an uncle tom for the hr rep that stood beside his corporation and defended the stand on being offensive to the whomever the ignorant individual is...I don't see any hidden racism...its very in the open...thanks for sharing..ill be reading all of your work
Thanks for stopping by DC. I enjoyed my tour of your blog today as well. It seems my rotation of blogs is increasing. I'm going to have to put a link to all my favorites here, so others can indulge in the variety as well.
That is just pure ignorant!! I can't believe this shit.
soooooo off the subject, but you are doing a great job holding down two blogs....
... Now back to the button.
This shows the problem with "tolerance." To tolerate someone does not mean you will respect them for their differences. Simply means you'll put up with them... to a point. Apparently the people she worked with reached that point.
Now, she needed to make a better judgement call when it came down to, "Is this button worth it?" Not every cause is battle-worthy.
Thanks Denea. I'm trying to keep it interesting.
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