Call me the Grinch of Holiday's, but I hate commercialism. Even when it comes to Valentines Day. I just hate it when someone else tells me it's time for me to prove my love. Don't get me wrong, I like romance. However, like most men, I like to call the shots.
Men shouldn't have to feel like they have to jump through hoops just because it's Valentines Day AND we shouldn't have hell to pay from our women just because we take that stance.
Men shouldn't have to feel like they have to jump through hoops just because it's Valentines Day AND we shouldn't have hell to pay from our women just because we take that stance.
Don't punk out, I know I'm not the only one.
Card makers capitalize on 'anti-V Day'

i'm feelin' ya maaaaan...
it's more like all-men-are-punk-ass-bitches-so-buy- me-a-gift day!!!!!
what kinda shit is this????
(;-P <--- yeah, i said it ANNNNND?!!!
I know you all expect me, the girly girl, to love Valentines day. In truth, I despise it. I call it a 'hallmark holiday.' I think people should be nice to their significant other every day--not just on some pre-appointed day chosen by greeting card companies. Dave and I try to treat each other with kindness throughout the year--I would be very disappointed if Valentines day was the only day that he did something nice for me.
Now, when I was single, I enjoyed Valentines day because I usually got a card or flowers from a new admirer...but, now that I'm married, I just think it's silly.
Sorry for the long post.
here dat ladies!!!!
take notes, saadia has "preech'd the message"!!!!
uugghh...V-Day...always the day I sit and listen to old Mary J. & Phyliss Hyman they usually fit my mood.
Speaking of Mary...last night was very special...she can do no wrong...ever!!!
im with cha, why celebrate the murderous vicar st. valentines - all they do is clock loot, sale a coupla boxes of canda, some greeting cards, some floweres. the last football game should be a holiday as far as i am concerned. gimme something lol - good look
I raise my hand in glorious approval to the anti v day pledge...I thnk ill start an online petition about it..well done rich..hahahah im single anyway(smile)
There's always one in the crowd: I happen to love the holidays. Call me materialistic and shallow, but I love it. I want the cards and candy. My husband would totally agree with the guys. I still get the whole 'I show my love all year long' speech. As long as I get something, I can sit thru the monologue.
Plus, is it not true that Men are expecting a little 'extra lovin' on the holidays?
If you are doing your job the rest of the time, lovin' on Valentines Day doesn't really matter.
aiight, cali dove, mrs. materialistic & shallow...uhhh, i was gonna say sumpthin' but i'll let it go.
too easy... ;-P...lol
Pre-shate cha, lance for not taking the shot.
Rich....I'll take the 5th
Never been a fan of this holiday. When I was a kid in school I used to get empty valentine envelopes for the kids in my class. Or onese that had notes in there to tell me how ugly and black I was. So this holiday has never been my friend.
However, I do buy the candy...I'm sorry...but that stuff is good. LOL
Of course you do no that they were unhappy with themselves. There comments had nothing to do with you. I never met you, but your spirit is beautiful so that's all that really matters.
ok course, I meant KNOW and not NO
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