We should call this blog "The Love House" because I'm having fun talking about relationships and what not.
I ran across someone trying to sell an e-book on this topic and wondered what you all thought it was.
What one mistake is almost guaranteed to end your new relationship before it even starts?
Let's chop it up and see what comes of it.
I ran across someone trying to sell an e-book on this topic and wondered what you all thought it was.
What one mistake is almost guaranteed to end your new relationship before it even starts?
Let's chop it up and see what comes of it.
Talking about past relationships - if it was good or bad, you are setting a standard.
I think the worst thing you can do in a new relationship is get too serious too soon.
I think it's important to maintain some distance at the beginning so you don't lose yourself.
Talking too much about yourself or job.
Displaying bad habits (smoking, cussing, excessive drinking)
See that's what I'm talking about. There is no one thing. It varies from person to person, but I like what I'm seeing, keep them coming.
For me, none of these are the worst thing you can do.
For me the worst thing you can do is come off dumb. I HATE a cute dumb girl. That blows it for me.
Ask me for a loan...and if i'm stupid enough to give it to you, you take stupid the nth degree and don't pay me back. IT's OVER!
All the men I've known LIKE my bad habits...
"I HATE a cute dumb girl. That blows it for me." - Rich
maybe she should just "blow" you and still stay cute.
hahahahaha...couldn't pass that one up! (;-P
I most agree with Saadia and Sheletha, those are non negotiables with me..Never discuss with me your last 3 dudes...I could care less what happened...though I dont see it as losing myself as much as I see it as selling myself.
Unless you are Karen "Superhead" Steffans, oral stimulation only lasts a short while, so she'd still be out the door. Not right away mind you, but definitely on her way.
bragging about past sexual exploits!
talking to me about my breasts....uggghhhh...next!
smelling like weed when he finally shows up
being late
not calling when he says he will call you
crusty lips....
weave tracks hanging down
ashy skin
bad breath
what u got now sheletha?...LOL
hahahaha...how wmen react to toupes when they wear wigs and extensions as part of the in fashion..hmmmmm
y'all funny. -- yeah Cmac, there's nothing worse than being told it's going to be the bomb, then you realize it was; a stink bomb. Later for you, lazy lover.
BAD BREATH is the worst. Ugghhhh!
DC sounds like you just need some oil. You know you keep a damn Walgreens in the glove compartment of your car! Condoms to mouthwash you know you have it all. Just hook a sista up when she gets in the g-ride then its all good.
I really dont know the element of weaves I keeps mine short and sassy. But those that rock them correctly, do you.
you can always tell a toupe...just shave it off man.
Do you challenge me Clyde????? I just went back and read your post and this time I heard a bit of a 'tude.
what about the line "Aw, babe I forgot my wallet."
Wrinkled clothes
This is the funniest post ever.
My husband adds: NO CAR
For a dude that's macking, her not having a car is Golden. She can't roll up on you, without going to great lengths. For a dude, yeah, that works against us big time. It's almost as bad as wearing a sign that says loser.
If there were only ONE thing that'd really a ruin relationship for me (besides his being 5'7" & under:-) is a man's inability to allow me to BE me & have thoughts/feelings that are different than his (and that he may not understand).
ok sheletha...
what about the infamous..
I have trouble cleaning up because my 7 kids always mess up
We can chill at your house because my heat/cable/water got turned off yesterday and they are supposed to have it fixed by tomorrow
we can go to dinner and a movie..because I skipped lunch just so you could see that Im not scared to eat in front of a man.
hahahaha...i have no tude, darlin!!
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