You know what I'm talking about. Saying "Blessed and Highly Favored" everytime someone asks how you are doing. Do you use words that "regular" people don't like "sow a seed into my life", "she's not a good steward". Who said anything about flying anyway?
I love the Lord, believe me I do. If I make it to the pulpit one day, I'll be a third generation Preacher, but I dislike being around people who end or begin every sentence with "Praise the Lord".
Stop irritating me!

yeah i know the feeling Rich I had a partner that ends all his phone conversations with the saying Peace and Love at all cost...
and i want to say peace two fingers minus one to him in return
I understand what you mean. Its like they take "His Praises shall forever be in my mouth" to another level. I have another sister that does this, it doesn't really make me mad until she starts acting like her church is the only one that is saved and will make it to heaven.
Third Generation PK, huh?
give me a minute to really address this one...i got waaay too much to say
Well, I definitely know that I'M not the one irritating you, Rich!
lol at Girly_girl! Yes, this does perturb me. Because you don't have to wear your religion on your shirtsleeve, just my opinion.
It is very annoying at times. However, some people dom't understand that your actions not your words should be what allows others to see you are a child of the King.
I understand, Christian-speak. And depending on the setting I'll speak it, if need be. I've always been an advocate of multi-lingualisms...from the out-house, to the church-house, to the white house - we have to be flexible:-). Sadly, too many people are NOT flexible.
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