It should start get interesting now. Here's your first big jump. The first seven days were warmup.
I just dropped $2500 on you. How are you going to spend it?
I hope this doesn't become a quagmire for you.
(hint - word of the day --> )
I just dropped $2500 on you. How are you going to spend it?
I hope this doesn't become a quagmire for you.
(hint - word of the day --> )
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Summary of Today's Visit
Spending Deposit on a new place to stay.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 3/10
Your Comments I have been wanting to move for awhile and the rents are ridiculous. I cannot afford to buy yet and I plan to buy in the future. I need a better place to stay until I can buy.
That's phat Shai, call them dollars in. Tell HIM what you need.
$2500.00 toward my credit card debt. Won't be long now, before I'm debt free again. From here on, with the Abundance of the Universe - I will be a cash & carry kind of sistah ONCE AGAIN!
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments Now, that I've carefully read the 'instructions' for this "game" I'm hyped! It's all about whatEVER makes me feel better - NOT just happiness through purchases as I'd initially thought.
Bring ON the Blessings, so that I may do Your work here on Earth, Creator!
I'm going to wait to pay the bills, because joy comes in the morning (or they next day we play). I never spend money on myself without feeling guilty so I'm going shopping. I need some new clothes. I'll spend about $500 on the kids and $500 on the wife, to help with the guilt and the other $1500 goes to Daddy. I really want to spend it all on me, but I couldn't face their "what you get me" looks when I walked back in the door.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Glad you getting th gist of this Cap.
I am glad you are getting it too Cap. I looked at the fact God does use money for us to work out our purpose here. Just think if you have no debt, your money and energies can focus on other things.
I'm glad I'm getting it, too. thanx Shai & Rich for the continued encouragement!
How can i become one
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