The makers of this game say most people usually drop out by day seven,
so give yourself a hand if you are still in the game.
They drop out because it causes too many problems for them emotionally.
They realize that they really have an aversion to wealth.
Well, I'm going all the way this time.
Who's with me?
so give yourself a hand if you are still in the game.
They drop out because it causes too many problems for them emotionally.
They realize that they really have an aversion to wealth.
Well, I'm going all the way this time.
Who's with me?

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Spending Mac Book in Black
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments I hear a Mac is the best laptop for writers. It has virus protection built into it. It holds a ton of data and it's reliable. I really want one. I know I could get a laptop for half the price, but this is worth it. It's an investment into my future as a writer. All $1500
mac book
okay today Im buying a years worth of housecleaning for me and my mother (with her ruben tick ass)
desire level 10/10
resistance 1/10
comments: Im tired, this is totally on impulse.
Visit 7
Visit Date Wed 25 Apr 2007
Spending I am buying a plane ticket to California. I want to visit LA, San Franciso and San Diego. I have never been to Cali. I want to vacation for three weeks, one week in each city.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 4/10
Your Comments I have been planning to travel. I am never been West so I wanted to start in Cali. I am excited. I want to have fun, relax, and write about my experiences. I know some good poetry can come out of this.
I'm going to purchase a MAC too! Heard great things about if i'm going upgrade, might as well be the best on the market.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 4/10
Your Comments I'm not really resisting this because i know i will need an upgrade real soon, and this not only for personal use but business use, in other words it's gonna help me to make more money.
Use total to pay off my only dept. store credit card. Then cancel that card!
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments: I feel GRAND (again). I read more of the Prosperity Game's specifics and understand a bit better. My list of 100 desires does not necessarily need to be the things I spend my money on, but they can be the outcomes reached once the prosperity is accepted & embraced!
P.S. - regarding the Mac - I can attest it is Divine:-)...but I am still a proponent of owning an exterior hard-drive to back your work up periodically!
I thought it was MAC cosmetics ...sorry Rich, I didnt read yours!
despite the popular choice of MAC Books; I would like to agree with Sheletha, but the cost averages $300 for the initial and $180/mthly so you could easily go over budget.
I'd spend my $1500 on my son's flight to the UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY SUMMER SESSION IN JUNE. (yes, this is my brag-time. he was selected out of 1800 applicants for a spot of 200)
whoop, whoop!
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