I see my participants are falling off. I know you aren't telling the universe not to send you the money, because you don't have time for it. Stick in there. To play at this level requires thought and intestinal fortitude.
Imagine spending $10K today, how does it make you feel?
Imagine spending $10K today, how does it make you feel?

Spending Educate myself more as it relates to investing in the market. Take my knowledge to the next level by training with TMTT. I'll spend the entire $10K on training.
Desire Level 9/10
Resistance 3/10
Your Comments I have some resistance now because present day I'd have to choose to do this over something else I want to do, so it's hard not to realize that the quandary exists. In a perfect world I'd do both. Stocks and real estate investing. I just don't want to feel like I'm spreading myself thin.
Spending Invest in a good investment vehicle. Pay for a new place for my mom to stay. Decorate my bedroom with Oriental decor like I have always dreamed. Put remaining in the scholarship fund I have establised for underachieving students at my alma mater.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 2/10
Your Comments Investing is important for me, I learned early on watching my grandparents. My mom needs a new place to stay and I am tired of seeing her struggle. Decorating my sanctuary(bedroom) in Oriental pieces will be so cool. It is hard for me not to give the money away. However, in my heart I have always wanted to start a scholarship fund in honor of my grandma who did not finish high school yet helped me get through college.
Where is everyone? Rich, are we the only ones still in the challenge?
I think CAPCity is still in. I'm imagining Mizrepresent is also, but we'll see. They have the weekend to play catchup.
I'm paying for a 1 week Alaskan Cruise...always wanted to see the glaciers, $5000, the rest gos into savings, Season tickets to Chastain Park Amphithetre Concert series $1500, the rest goes to saving $4000.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 5/10
Your Comments Ahhh as much as i want this, i\'m spending it on myself and i would rather be sharing...so that\'s the reason for the resistance.
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Miz, you aren't supposed to save anything in savings. Spend them dollars. Get creative. Think Brewster's Millions.
I'm still here - had to do a bit of research;-)!
$5,000 - to invest.
$5,000 - first shopping spree ever! I know that I want & need a BlackBerry type of device (which is approx. $4-600), all else will be whatever strikes my fancy!
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments I've always fantasized about a frivolous shopping spree! I think $5,000 in today's times is enough to have fun with and yet, I won't feel crazy-wastefully decadent. Hopefully, that's enough to get that desire out of my system, since I tend to be so frugal and practical generally asking myself if I need it before I purchase it.
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