Today I messed up. I forgot to get a copy of the check before I spent my money so today your check is for:
How would you spend that if you had to spend it all in a day. Visiting players are welcome to participate on a temporary basis.
How would you spend that if you had to spend it all in a day. Visiting players are welcome to participate on a temporary basis.
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Visit Date Thu 10 May 2007
Spending Purchase laptops (7) for a non-profit that my wife and I have to assist people with getting out of debt. - $7K
$5K to my 22 yr old daughter in Florida - she's such a good kid. I'm proud of the woman she has become.
$5K for a car for my 18yr old - she's a good kid too.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments I really don't have any resistance at all. I'm doing a lot better at this than I thought. However, the "do-gooder" in me wouldn't allow me to spend any money on me today, but all of these acts of kindness would certainly make me feel good.
Spending: $10,800.00 pay up a year's worth of rent, so that is one less thing to concern myself with as I write and begin my research for properties to own. $1800.00 Garage fees for the year.$4400.00 for groceries, hair appts., mani-pedis, brows, gas for car & money to parents.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments: It's easy when I'm spending on me:-)! I was hoping that this would be enough to put down on a property here in Harlem, but I'll have to wait until the Universe opens up more for these 2&3 million dollar properties:-). Until then, I am enjoying my life status and this new-found writer's life!
@Cap: 2 or 3 mil. Geez that is a gravy azz mansion in MI. LOL.
Spending Pay 6 more months rent.
Pay for my daughter to get a makeover. LOL. She is such a tomboy and so not me. LOL. I was tomboyish and I had the girly side too. My child is hair challenged and mainly wears a ponytail.
Buy a plane ticket for my daughter to visit her dad in North Carolina.
Get myself a makeover.
Find a graphic artist, printer, and other literary folks to assist me with publishing my first two poetry books.
Desire Level 8/10
Resistance 4/10
Your Comments I have some resistence with publishing my poetry books. I am so nervous about getting it exactly how I want them and folks liking/buying my work.
Shoot, two or three goes a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGG way in the STL. I just need about $500K for my dream home. I'll build it myself, at least I'll run the project and save myself major loot. Completed construction should make it worth about $700K plus.
Yea, life ain't cheap here in da "rotten" apple. but i love this place & unless I meet a brother who wants me to live elsewhere I don't foresee leaving. SOMEtimes I do wonder what life is like in other urban centers... as much as i like the country i GOTS to be in a city proper and I STRONGLY DISLIKE suburbs!!
I feel ya Cap. I have not been to NYC yet. I like the city, however the laidback quiet of the burbs is calling me. I would love place that that is a cityish burb if that makes sense.
I am with Mega Rich, about $800,000, I get my dream home. Shoot, I saw this place about 10 years in the suburbs about 40 minutes away and the houses were gorgeous. Only thing is they are newer built homes are not as sturdy as the older homes in the city.
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