It's hard to stay away, so since I was in a creative mood, I thought I'd share a little something.
Think like a child
Children don’t think in terms of lack. It has to be taught to them.
They always reach for the best and the brightest. They don’t sell themselves short. They ask their parents for what they want and they expect to receive it.
This is the model we should follow. Our heavenly daddy is more than able to supply our needs and give us the desires of our heart. So why do we settle for less?
Have you been fooled into believing that you need to set your sights lower? Who taught you that? God has not changed. There is no good thing that he will keep from those who love him.
Spend some time with your daddy and look up to him with childlike sincerity and ask for what you want. Listen for his instruction and do as you are told. He is a loving father who takes pleasure in giving his kids the very best. If he is pleased when his servants are prosperous (Psalm 35:27), then he must be elated when it comes to his children.
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you are his child and not his servant. So learn to act accordingly. Begin by asking your daddy to share his wisdom with you so that you can have the life you desire. Have faith in his ability. He is for you and not against you. He will not lie to you. You do not have to modify your behavior to fit a set of parameters. All you need to do is think like a child and remember that the sky is the limit.

That's what i'm talking about!
Amen, Bro Rich! Even if we weren't all blessed with earthly fathers EACH of us has our heavenly Father!
Happy Father's Day Rich.
Thanks ladies. I most definitely appreciate the well wishes.
Happy Happy, Rich!!!
yes...that was wonderful and I hope you had an enjoyable father's day.
Speak on it! Hope your Father's Day was enjoyable.
Welcome back! And thanks for the Holy Ghost party!
U've been awarded the Thinking Blogger's Award by me! Stop by my spot to see what that means:-)
absolutely fabulous! thanks so much for sharing! :)
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