I love blogging. I mean I absolutely love it. I love it so much that I have allowed it to get in the way of what I really need to do. Write, teach and coach. So since I have some overdue projects that really need my attention, I've decided to go on a little sabattical from blogging. I will be back at a later time, with fresh and insigtful posts, but in the meantime I need to be about business (not that I don't take blogging serious, but hopefully you know what I mean). So while I'm away check out my peeps on the links list and I will catch up with all of you good people later.

Fare thee well my brother. It is beginning to consume my life too. I need to follow your lead.
I understand completely. I have left myself get sucked into the blogger abyss. LOL. I got some things to do.
God bless you Brotha Rich on all your endeavors. I will miss your post, until later.
You'll be missed. I understand & may also follow your lead as Bro G said.
Well Hay we all neeed a break so do you bruh!
yeah you got to get that hustle on
yo dawg, hook a brother up when u git back wif a t-shirt or something, (;-P
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