I’m not much of a TV watcher. In fact, if the TV is on at my house it’s because the kids have turned it on and from time to time something might catch my eye, but I don’t watch anything regularly. That is with the exception of movies. As far as those go, I have blockbuster online the movies come to my house like clockwork. I always find time to slide a good movie into my schedule. Since I love them so much, I thought I’d recommend a few that I’ve seen as of late. Keep in mind, I’m no movie critic. I’m not simple either, but I’m not looking for the meaning to life during my cinematic experience, what I am looking for is to be entertained and at times surprised by the turn of events. If that happens, then it’s all good. So, with that said. I recommend:
Perfect Stranger (Suspense Thriller)

Shooter (Action)

What have you seen that's good? Oh, I just received those Guy Richie movies (Snatch and Lock, Stock and 3 Smoking Barrels) everyone was raving about over at Jali's website.
Okay...so Perfect Stranger is good..they dogged it while it was out in the theaters---
How are you doing?
You know, I was reluctant to check it out, but I have seen so many movies I was running out of choices so I picked it up and was pleasantly surprised.
I think a lot of movies get bad reviews because the pricks who call themselves critics look for more than the director intended in the first place. I figure if you can critique it, go out and make a better product. Movie critics should be producing some of the best selling products on the market. That is, if they knew as much as they claim to.
Tisha, next time I'm in your neck of the woods, I'll let you know. But for now, I'm keeping it steady as it goes.
rich...misspell mean
Hey Neshia, pertaining to a previous comment on a different day. I don't think you are Mr. Double Jack Dizzles type and if you were you'd have to get at that on your own, I don't do the Cupid Shuffle.
I must say that I've rediscovered reading. recommended non-fiction includes Microtrends, Wikinomics, and Stolen Continents (the last is likely out of print). Fiction means The Traveler. Quick hits would be Wired magazine which inevitably leads the reader to perform further research online. A secret agent must continuously educate themselves in order to maintain National security.
If you haven't seen it yet, check out a Forest Whitaker film called: Ghost Dog.
So, Halle was actually in a good movie? wow, good to know...(not "hating", just observing;-)
Halle was ok. Not an earth shattering performance, but the plot was great. Some nice twists.
@the oe, thanks for the titles. I was going to work on a book list as well.
@dave - I saw just a little of it, but didn't like what I saw. Maybe I will have to take another look.
I went to see Perfect Strangers in the movie...the twists were there not at all shocking.
Im sure all the men would like the movie with all the ass shots of Halle going on..Not hatin' just observing.
Dude you need to stop what your doing and watch those Guy Ritchie joints RIGHT NOW! Those are two of my favorite "saturday-afternoon-gimme-the-remote-and-shaddup" movies! I'd love to hear what you think about both of them. I'm waitin' for ol boy to come out with whatever's next.
Enjoyed shooter more than I expected, but didn't Kenan Ivory Wayans do the black version of the same movie years ago? Uh YEAH! It was called "Most Wanted" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119709/.
If you're lookin', be sure to catch "Bourne Supremacy." That DID NOT dissapoint!
I recommend Bourne Ultimatum.
i second Bro G on Snatch - one of my TRUE FAVES - LOOOVVVVEEEE the boxing scenes & the brother Lennie James is a cutie (ok, tmi;-). imho, lock, stock & 2smoking barrels drags a bit more than snatch did...but, i too would love to hear your take on them, Rich.
And Bourne supremacy WAS quite good - can't wait for the next one...it's one of my fave serial movies that has surprisingly been consistently good - even if i do know the plot - i like the action!
whoops - meant bourne ultimatum...but u know what i meant...
hey dude...yeah, I don't really do tv either...but let me think. The last movie I saw was the Spiderman (in the movies). But, I watch "The Lady In The Water" and really liked it.
I heard Haley's movie is good. Thanks for the suggestions.
i discovered this spot:
http://www.ssupload.com/ - don't know if it's legal or not - but it hasn't been shut down yet.
@ Cap... ROFLMBAO about the halle comment. shole is a purty lady, but damn, the acting is hard to watch.
check out Closer, Frieda, Layer Cake (LOVE THAT MOVIE), The Lover. oh yeah, Kung Fu Hustle. ummm and not that any of you watch kiddie movies, but Hoodwinked is very clever. It looks at Little Red Riding Hood as if it were a crime scene. Even though the animation is a little wonky, they pay lots of attenting to detail and the humor is of course, better suited for adults.
I'm copying these responses. Thanks all.
Enjoy the Ritchie films!
Ohhhh I want to check out perfect strangers. I am like you, I don't watch movies looking for anything other than entertainment!
Have a good weekend.
Guy Ritchie is a beast! Check out LAYER CAKE featuring the fellow who starred in the last Bond movie, CASINO ROYALE. We seem to have really similar tastes in movies, and I loved it!
What's good, fam?
I saw Snatch and it was pretty funny. Took a minute to get used too, but I was all in after a while. My son walked in my room while I was watching that first fight scene and he was like "Man!, that had to hurt." I was rolling at his 5 yr old humor and voice - I guess you had to be there. Of course I made him leave the room and he was all to glad to do so when he heard the first curse word. He gave the "uuuhhh, they said a bad word reply."
But the characters were great and the names, true to form. Saw another good flick, but I'll tell y'all about that next week.
Sorry about the Freestyle post, I tried to do something from work and my internet was locking up the entire morning.
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