I just wanna be loved, like everybody else does, I just wanna be loved.
I was listening to Jill Scott the other morning and I must say, if you don’t have the album, you should pick it up. Slamming, front to back. No lulls. Chick is the real deal.
So, like I was saying, Wanna Be Loved is one of her tunes and it got me to thinking. Probably because I know that some things don’t mean the same thing to everybody. It’s kinda like my "So You Think You are a Man" post, the answer varies depending on who you ask. So, since love “appears” to be in short supply at times -- well, not really, I just think it goes unaccepted -- tell me what being loved means to you. What does he/she have to say/do to show that they love you. Just when you think they know, they do something that you think isn't love at all. So, don’t be shy. Feel free to speak your mind.
Great Post!!!
I love Jill's new CD. I just saw her in concert too!
At any rate, I cannot answer your question. I am kinda fed up with the whole "love" thing right now...
In all honesty, I haven't experienced "love" that is genuiene from a man. It is what it is..
But that's what I'm talking about. You say you haven't experienced "love" that is genuine from a man. Well, what is "it" that you were looking for?
I DO love Jill Scott & was disappointed that her marriage/love union did not last longer.
I know that I have been loved and I have loved - but there are a myriad of reasons why it didn't last(i.e., the fact that we're descendants of slaves w/ issues & so many of our men are incarcerated, etc...). But, STILL I continue to HOPE for FAITH is the substance of things unseen;-)
Good deal.
For me, in the times where I have felt loved by a woman, it's due to her making me feel like she accepts both my good & bad. Um, she (her words & acts) made me feel like I was the most important person in her life. And there was an spiritual connection during the moment which opened me up, to the point where I could mentally see how she received me in return. Which made me want to give, and give.
What I just wrote probably won't make sense to anyone else, only me. Words cannot really describe.
I can't even answer your question right now. All I can say is that I wanna be loved...
Stopped in to say "count down to the 15th". I haven't forgotten and I'm going to get a copy.
@ Mega Rich....
Its hard for me to express anything regarding love...
It just seems like worthless thoughts--
I do love Jill's Cd!
I have been loved and knew that it was genuine because he accepted things about me that were not necessarily easy to deal with.
I can be very eclectic (and that can be really difficult to deal with, especially in the Black community) and I need someone who can deal with the way my creativity (writing) manifests itself.
acceptance is my biggest issue in a love relationship
I love Jill's CD too.
Love is hard to define. Love is an act, not just a word. Love to me is someone showing acts of love consistently not just when they want or feel like they will be getting something in return. Love is not judgemental. Love heals. Love listens. The man for me won't be able to fulfill all of my needs, but he will be capable of loving me beyond my wildest dreams.
Love can be very complex; to me love is simply learning when to stay and when to let go.
hard to put in words but the actions are thoes of unconditional positive regard
I think the most endearing love is the love thats unspoken... that a person doesnt have to say anything to you to know that your loved... its the way they look at you, the way they kiss your forehead, the way they look into your eyes, simple things like a man makng sure your not walking on the sidewalk thats closest to the street... I think the word love is used so loosely now-a-days that the old saying actions speak louder than words are so true when it comes to love
@Don - I feel you!
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