One of my goals this year is to do everything I can to give voice to bloggers who take the craft of writing serious. More specifically, those writers who are a part or who want to be a part of the Bloggers' Delight family.
Well, today at 5pm Eastern, my business associate CAPcity will be in the studio of the Sirius Satellite Show, Blog Bunker - INDIE TALK Channel 110, while Mizrepresent and myself will be dialed into the show for an interview. If you have Sirius Satellite Radio service, listen to the interview. You will also have a chance to call in to the show to win a copy of our Commemorative Edition of
hey make a mp3 of the show for me pls. way to stay on the grind
I have XM Radio...but I'm so proud of you guys. If you do get an mp3 of the show, I would love to listen to it.
No doubt. If they provide us with the mp3, we'll hook it up for you.
Congrats and good luck.
Getting exposure in every good way...I love it! Congrats, fam! I'm also hoping for an audio file to hear and to save as a memory of some blessed beginnings.
excellent excellent excellent idea
you gotta give us heads up man lol
next time i'll definately holla
OOOO way to go folks! If you need PR support I am your girl. I used to work for Terrie Williams in NYC as a her personal assistant, so I can aleast advise on PR strategy. And I had a film at Sundance and worked on the Grammy's and Essence Music Fest, so I can be of some help. Really I can be of some help--this is so COOL! I am so PROUD...like a momma!
I too am in XM --so work on them!
so how was it maaaan
Very fun interview. We've done about four interviews so far and I enjoyed this one the most because we were able to play off each other. That helps tremendously when you get caught off guard by a question.
All of you writers on bloggersdelight2write, keep doing your thing, because we mentioned all the great things that go on over there.
That's what I'm talkin' bout Mr. Rich!
thanks big daddy
Yea! :)
I was trying to figure out how to go about getting Sirius then I read where you wrote it was a fun interview. I didnt realize this was an older blog post.
Do you have a link to this interview? I listened to the other interview you did.
We asked for an MP3 and I think they decided to send it to us on CD, so as soon as we have it, we'll put it out for the rest of the FAM to check out.
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