When I was in my late teens I took my hunting game to the next level and went after my first cougar. They weren't called that back in those days, but that didn't stop us "young bucks" from going after one of these prized specimens. It wasn't like we couldn't catch any of the young foxes that were around our way, in fact, that was part of the reason guys like me went after the cougars; everybody had a fox. Cougars on the other hand were prized possessions. They didn't frequent the low lying areas where the foxes played. They lay among the tree tops where only the best skilled hunters were capable of taking them alive. Cougars knew their way around the bush so they weren't falling for the tricks that the foxes fell for. In order to catch one of these beauties you had better learn the art of casting your net proper the first time, because that was the only way you would come up big. You learned early on that catching a cougar was a novelty, and not anything to be taken lightly.
Since my youth, a lot has changed. Cougars are rising in numbers, they are no longer an endangered species. They are well represented within the jungle. Because of their numbers, hunters today don't seem to value their hides as we once did. Nowadays you can find their carcasses laying on the side of the road, covered in flies. It's heartbreaking to witness. I guess we should have seen this day coming since many of these cougars weren't raised in their natural habitat. They are a different breed which makes me wonder if this breed of cougar can make the transition from domestic feline to hunted prey. I sure hope so for their sake or we may have to start taking donations to create urban reservations for them. Either that or we'll have pussy cats running all over the place and we can't have that, now can we?
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Baby, did you know my 2nd late husband Leroy Lee? He used to call me a cougar all the time! Says I was one of the wildest cats he ever had to tame. I had this one sexy lingeree that I would put on when I was feeling frisky. He sho loved to see me in that outfit and hear me purr like a kitty for him.
Anyhow, you sho is a handsome thang. You know Mrs Ruthie like them young, so feel free to come catch this cougar!!! Take care now
Ruthie Ann
..."hunters today don't seem to value"...much of anything -- life has gotten too easy for most men/hunters - so they're not on top of their game as they need to be cuz most are fat & lazy....no longer hunger for the challenges of life...
Wow - huntin ain't my thing at all. If it's worth eating, it's worth going to the store to pick up - lol, but big ups to ya for doing ya thang!
Woo Woo Woo! This is very RICH! I love the wittiness of this piece. Hhm Cougar...am I? Gosh, I am of a certain age now. So well, hhmmm.
Love the play on words. Seems like being a cougar is popular these days. I'm surprised I haven't seen a bumper sticker "I'm a Cougar and I'm Proud" anywhere.
Well...I've had many a young hunter try to trap this cougar...even managed to get me caught up in their traps a few times! But this cougar here...been playin in this jungle for far too long. I'll play wit you for a lil while, but when I get either bored or annoyed with you...back the fugg up or get eaten alive...
*smiles* Great post, Rich.
There seems to be sooo many cougars on the loose these days. I hear they are getting violent, even, due to a sharp decline in skilled hunters seeking them as prey.
Something MUST be done! *grins and winks*
I couldn't help but laugh at this...it was really good! You may be right about them not being a rare species, but they still are worthy of having...jmo!
I had to come back to ask about this line: "...we may have to start taking donations to create urban reservations for them..."
Will those reservations be anything like the spa in Jill Nelson's Sexual Healing? If so, is the Rich House willing to be my $ponsor? ;-) LOL!
Dang Main, I thought for sure you were talking about Miz, Cap City and Lovebabz! Boy you could have fooled me Bruh! Last time I heard about Cougars these ladies were talking about Roooaaaaarrrrr!!!!
@Tony Oh, R000000aaaaarrrrr!!!!lol!
Tony those three chicks aren't Cougars, they are of another rare breed of species called Grown Woman Hot Concolor
@sheila - that would be funny to see. Some of these communities around the country have so many that they need "Cougar Crossing" signs.
@kiki - I'm sure many of them left almost torn to shreds. I'm scared of you.
@verbal vixen -- yeah, something must be done. But what?
@miz -- definitely worthy. No doubt about that, but most young hunters are ill prepared to recognize the finer qualities of this species. They are too blinded by this animals prowess.
@Cap -- hmmm. Maybe we can name the spa, Cougar Landing.
@Tony Oh and Miz -- go flirt on your own blogs. :)
cap - yes we do, we hunt what we eat, unless u the rich tv hunters
and rich, me a wild boar and turkey man we should go hunting soon. and i put pics up of the dog store chk it out
This cougar is highly regarded. Many hunters but, their nets have holes.
So, she contently purrs while she sits and watches and waits.
Because this cougar can only be caught if she wants to be caught.
Nice word play, Rich.
The first thing I always hear - men have been doing it for years. Isn't it funny how what a does originally does is placed under scrutiny, only to have the female turn around and perform the same act years later.
I honestly don't see why the women haven't been publicly doing their fair share of hunting love before now. It all makes sense when you think about it. Women are @ their sexual peak in their mid 30s, while men break bread in their early 20s.
Can you imagine a 20 something young man laying up with a 30 something full grown woman?
...straight up Animal Planet action.
For about half the summer I lived with a 32 year old woman when I was 16. It wasn't any Cougar action though. All the dudes my age laughed @ me. LOL.
Chile - That Ruthie may be a cougar, but the heffa runs like an ant. Aint no need to catch her cuz she don't move all that fast. She's a slut though, so you betta watch her, you hear?
With Love,
Mrs. Mabel
New Post Alert...Come see your Bruh!
Hey Rich.. How are you?
@ Pew View - hahhaha
New post up, need your input!
It's May 16 and the couger is a year older, a year wiser, and oh a year better (she winks and smiles slyly).
Lemme find out the cougars were after you too... I pray I never have to resort to being a cougar
Excellent wordplay bruh!!
This explains why that ole wrinkled Star Jones is after Dwayne Wade.
memo to DWade...be careful, you don't wanna get worms. LMAO!!!
have a good weekend
Whoa, lol...very nice read. Does age or maturity differentiate a fox from a cougar? Is soon to be 29 a cougar? Hmmm wonder which am I?
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