Here we go. How many of you have thrown $500 to the wind in one day and not regretted it. Well, if you haven't done it yet here goes your chance.
The amount goes up everyday, so you better get ready. Lucky for you guys, the weekend is near.
The amount goes up everyday, so you better get ready. Lucky for you guys, the weekend is near.
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It's a new day!!
Spending - A nice pair of Ferragamo loafers - $400
One of those mani/pedi the chicks are raving about. Got to have nice looking feet to put in those new shoes. -$50 (inc. tip)
Five pairs of those athletic socks that make your feet feel ohh so good - $10pr - $50 total.
Desire Level 8/10
Resistance 1/10
Your Comments - I'm feeling this one. Today is foot day. Time to take a load off.
Summary of Today's Visit
Spending Buy TVs for Living Room/my room and a stereo for my entertainment headboard.
Desire Level 8/10
Resistance 4/10
Your Comments I want those items. My mind drifts to the responsiblity of the items, ie cleaning them,etc. Getting things is one thing, being a shepherd is another. I already feel like my books and shoes will take over my home. Yet, I love both.
Spending Today its about my existing car. I will pay for the deluxe tune up & Oil change. Get it detailed so that it sparkles again. I will fill the tank up with gas. Buy some new tires if I have enough.
Desire Level 9/10
Resistance 3/10
Your Comments Doing all of this makes me feel good simply because everytime the opportunity arose. I would decline. I have the best that I can afford now, so I can take care of it with deluxe packages offered at the dealership. I have no fear of the people ripping me off just because Im a woman. I don\'t care.
Had my eye on this curio cabinet for all my favorite things, so I spent $500.
Desire Level 9/10
Resistance 8/10
Your Comments I feel good about this purchase as well...i\'m not buying junk, buying what i need and want and something that will be around for a long time, plus it just looks so good in the corner of my dining room.
Gon' Rich - we love a man who takes care of the feet that'll be playing footsie with us. and we LOVE a man who wears FLY aZZ shoes! lol!
Here's mine:
Got my spot cleaned, my mani-pedi & brows done already this week, so:
$70: Fly 'do (tip incl.)
$50 to each parent
$100: Gas, tolls & misc. to go visit DC (like Sheletha, I need a shot of home)
$230 - toward food/drinks - want to throw a dinner party when i return from DC - feeling the need to gather loved ones around me.
Desire Level 10/10
Resistance 5/10
Your Comments: Feeling more vulnerable right through here, like I need a realignment or tune up. Life is still good, but I need some reassurances & \"shoring up\".
Here's an interesting note. Resistance to spending is up and this is only $500. What are y'all going to do when you have to spend thousands in a day.
Check your feelings. See how you resist good things although you want them. If you pay attention, you will learn that God is trying to get the blessings to you, but you are resisting him. Man looks on the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart.
Rich, I guess, i don't see the resistance/desire levels in relation to my spending on items - but i've been "monitoring" my resistance/desire in life overall...if that makes sense...
I dunno Rich, the resistance for me was with the deluxe packages at the dealership. I know my car doesn't need it, because Ive been going for years without it. This is just frivolus spending, that led to debt in my college years. It took two years for the habit to be broken, and to understand and become a good steward over what God has provided for me thusfar. So the resistance is more of a fear of going back to my old ways.
Rich, it depends really on What I buy not how much I am spending in some instances. For example, I cannot wait to get in the thousands and spend on some designer shoes. My resistance would probably be keeping up with them and where to put them. LOL. I have shoes now that I forget I have until I do Spring or Fall cleaning. LOL.
I know for me, the resistance was just spending the money. I've been told that I'm so tight with money that I can hold a dollar until the eagle grins.
I know everyone's experience will be different, but it's still a telling exercise.
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
Proverbs 26:11
This is the nassiest verse in the bible.
Yeah, Rich I feel ya. I have to say I remember 7 years ago when I moved into where I stay now, I had hardly anything. Now as I comtemplate moving to a better place, I see all the stuff I have accumulated. I feel blessed and overwhelmed. Maintaining what you get is where my resistence lies. I mean sometimes I get home and look like Damn! More things more problems.
Hey Shai, give some of it away.
Rich, give MY SHOES away. NOT! I am giving old books away. LOL.
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