Yesterday my cousin called to say he heard I had some pictures posted on my blog. I paused for a moment and then said,
"How'd you know I had a site? Hmm."
It seems like old Rich can't hide from his peeps in Florida, so since they are watching and not leaving comments. I'm going to start digging up some old pics and throwing them up.
Take this one for starters.
"How'd you know I had a site? Hmm."
It seems like old Rich can't hide from his peeps in Florida, so since they are watching and not leaving comments. I'm going to start digging up some old pics and throwing them up.
Take this one for starters.

Picture: From left to right, we have Kim (I hear she has twins now, congrats!), Catina (the class Valedictorian - 500+ students from all backgrounds), Bernard (everybody called him Booty) and Keisha (she's still the same size she was in high school). Anyway, these three young ladies tortured me throughout High School. We all had a lot of the same classes (honors classes) and we were in Upward Bound together.
What's also interesting is that I went through my slam book (a book you leave memorabilia and comments in) and I read something Catina wrote me some 22 years ago. She said, paraphrased, that I was a pretty nice guy and that I should stop being lazy and live up to my potential.
Well Catina, if you are out there, I'm trying (more on that later). Thanks for the memories ladies.
What's also interesting is that I went through my slam book (a book you leave memorabilia and comments in) and I read something Catina wrote me some 22 years ago. She said, paraphrased, that I was a pretty nice guy and that I should stop being lazy and live up to my potential.
Well Catina, if you are out there, I'm trying (more on that later). Thanks for the memories ladies.

LOL. Homeboy looked mighty happy.
Great photo & great "layers" peeled back (to use C.Gee's phrase) - so we get to know a bit more about BigBroRich:-). Yea, we said that we never know who's "lurking" & checking out our blogs...which is why i don't blog about family;-). lol!
thanks for the memories...
when i graduated in '83, that summer i began to write my first screenplay called "senior trippin'". it was loosely based on my senior trip, but oh, what fun! and back then the drinking age was 18 and the likka flow'd, legally, on that trip!
as far as the weed, well...that's anudda story!
That was cool!
Cap thanks for the quote heheheeheh Rich that was a boss flashback ... shoot the eighties was the good ole days
Great post, Brah! I senior tripped in orlando. It was my first time getting drun, grabbing a girl's breasts and passing out laughing.
those were the days!
My senior was a nightmare. I did not go on senior trip because we were poor. I almost did not go to prom. With the help of my grandparents, my godmother, my bestfriend and my boyfriend, I made it. All that work only to go to deadiest prom in the world. SMH.
I cringe at my senior year, shoot, my whole high school career.
that was a really decent (yeah, I still say it) post! Man, the 80's times sure have changed, but It feels good to look back. No such senior fun luck for me...couldn't get a babysitter (OOH-TMI) LOL
hold up, justme...damn, you look like a baby yourself...gotta be the genes, no doubt!
Like Shai,I hated my entire Senior highschool life:(1) didnt have any friends (transfered from Cali)-so I was called "the girl that talk white" (2) Boyfriend? NEXT! (3) No Prom,because noone asked me out (4)Grad Nite @ Disney my period on the Greyhound bus ride to Orlando. Try having to ask the teachers to stop the bus to pick up tampons-totally embarrasing.
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