A woman who loves the Lord (didn't I say she was intelligent)
A woman who exudes confidence - doesn't get bent out of shape about the presence of other women, especially since she isn't being disrespected.
A woman who can throw down in the kitchen
A woman who knows how to turn on her man without touching him, speaking or doing anything crude. She's got the look of love.
Ok, that's all I can think of, for now, feel free to add to the list and ladies feel free to share what you think is sexy about a man.

What is sexy...about a man.
His freshly showered scent
His ability to look at you and make melt.
A man who loves the lord, and because of his love, strives to be a better man.
A man who loves and provides for his family.
A man who laughs with you.
A man not afraid to speak his mind.
Now that's sexy...
You know what I'm going to say:
Whats sexy...A man who thinks all the things you listed are sexy. :)
What is sexy...
a praying man
a openly God praising man
a man that shows love to his children
a man that can throw down in the kitchen (G. Garvin Im looking at you)
a man that tries to better his community
a man in a tailored suit
a man in wife beater and basketball shorts
a man that kisses the forehead or palm of my hand (yep, i got that from 'the best man'.."its damn near erotic..")
a man with character and good reputation
a man with no excuses
a man that is availible...
(see, Im not that hard to please..)
A woman who brings smiles into every room she enters...
A woman whose scent makes me think of great flowers and tropical nights...
A touch soft yet strong...
A voice that sings (even if she can't)...
A mind that thrives on learning...
So sexy.
a man who is spiritual
a man who knows how to take care of himself, i.e. he ain't his momma's boy and can cook and clean and do laundry
a man unafraid of his sexuality as it applies to me
a man with a mind unafraid of expanding
a man with a spirit unafraid of growing
a man with the courage to be insightful
a man who laughs
a man comfortable within his skin, no matter where he is in his life
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