Never read this series. Is it deserving of the hype?
J.K. Rowling's all-conquering fantasy series, sold a mountainous 8.3 million copies in its first 24 hours on sale in the United States
J.K. Rowling's all-conquering fantasy series, sold a mountainous 8.3 million copies in its first 24 hours on sale in the United States

I don't get the hype. And I see more adults reading it than the kids. SMH. I don't like HP at all. Yuck!
Based on the little I've read of the series, Rowling has some good auto-hypnosis happening as soon as you open the book! I don't get it, either.
Then again, millions dig it. Maybe the series gets better over time. Anything has to be better than the movies...arrrrrrrrrggggggggh!
it's entertaining...but u know how malleable the masses are! u can hype anything if u got the right connection$!
YES...CRAZY. I've never read it either and can't understand what all the hype is about, but oh well.
Yeah, it's all a bit crazy. But I do believe that it's worth all the hype. Saying that the books are entertaing is an understatement, I think. No offence, capcity :) But they truely are wonderfully well written. JKR has mastered what every writer dreams of doing, appealing to the masses, while crossing age, gender and nationality boundries. I used to be one of the people who said the books are for children and can't possibly be that good. And then I read the first book and couldn't read the rest quickly enough.
i knew u'd like this one, nina;-)...not offended AT all...glad to hear another opinion than us blaze/naysayers. lol! now, there's a spectrum here...sounds like: to each her own...
but u can't deny ONE thing - that JKRowling is serIOUSLY PAYD! LOL! And THAT I think is most author's dreams: to be loved by many who are willing to stand in line for your work...
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