Life is calling. What role are you casting for?
Leading actor/actress --- A-Lister. Always delivers. Works until they get it down just right. Usually attractive, physically fit, charming.
Supporting actor/actress --- Talented but not always proven. Can’t quite carry the project, yet. Has the ability to steal the show. Attractiveness varies. Sometimes used for comic relief.
Cast member --- Gets in where they fit in. Just wants to be in the number. No one remembers their name. Just a face in the crowd.
Which one are you?

I am a one-woman show right now. If they like my show fine if not so what. I am not acting for others.
Are you sure about that? Are you satisfied with what your view has yielded?
Just stirring the pot.
I would go for leading, but then I realize that I would have to sacrifice more than what I would want.....
So, I think I will go with supporting....
That's my point exactly. We tell ourselves that we want/deserve to be the man/woman, but often times our actions say that we fall into another category altogether. I'm just doing some real self examination and asking myself if I'm living up to what I say I want. Am I really up for the challenge. Do I always bring my A-Game.
Supporting/cast member..
Im a libra so I cant choose just one.
Supporting cause Im a funny chick.
Cast member because people would say "remember the short, dark skinned chick? She cracked me up."
Rich, now I am not feeling what others think. My view is my view until otherwise. I have to be at this place.
Stop stirring up trouble. Folks get burned doing that. And sometimes it ain't cute to play with folk.
Sounds like I touched a nerve, but I like igniting things.
Sometimes we need somebody to add lighter fluid so we can realize that we've been slowly burning ourselves all along. It's kind of like the story of the frog. Put him right into a pot of boiling water and he'll jump right out. But if you put him in and let the water come to a slow boil, he'll never move, just sit there and die a slow death.
So, I'm only stirring up the water so if you need to, you can realize it's hot.
Anybody feeling froggy?
Rich, you did not touch a nerve. My nerves were up before I even read your post. SMH. LOL.
Unsolicited advice, stirring up trouble and whatnot, SMH. Not a good mix at all. All I can say is karma.
Karma -- I hope I get it all back and then some. I do more uplifting than most. I can't wait for payday. You feel me.
But hey, don't take it personally, just take it as a challenge. That is the only vein it was meant to be in. I strive to be better and challenge those around me to do the same. The bench is way too crowded. It's time to get in the game.
See Rich, sometimes being a self-appointed lifter is not always good.
I mean you never know what a person is going through sometimes its about being heard and understood, not analyzed, uplifted or adviced. I learned that lesson along time ago.
Assess before you mess with.
I am going through something right now and trying to stir me up would not be wise. It would actually be cruel if you know a person is not doing well.
I once told a friend sometimes there is rational approaches to problems then there is compassionate ways. Determine which one is best cause if you give ration instead of compassion it can defeat the purpose.
Seriously, I have been on both sides the best uplifters were ones who listened with compassion and not trying to spew their views on me. I used have folks vent to me and I listened more or asked questions so they could sort things out.
SMH. Be slow to speak and quick to hear. Meaning tread lightly and gauge what a person really needs not what you think they need.
Then TALK TO ME, because all I'm hearing is your gripes, its hard to give compassion to that. I'm all ears. Hit me up --
Gripes? That is YOUR perspective if you really listened to my words I was talking to you. Filters down and open to a different view.
I heard you loud and clear. I just guess when I wrote the post it was about seeing yourself for who you are and either accepting that or doing better. So when you said "If they like my show fine if not so what. I am not acting for others.", it sounded like a cop out. As far as the other stuff we are on. It's hard not to comment in an environment that is designed to be interactive. The mere fact that you put something out here is because you want to evoke the comments of others. I mean, I can write in my tablet if I don't want to hear another persons thoughts.
But then again, you may be right. I am Mr. Fix it. I tell my wife all the time, don't tell me if you don't want me to do anything about it OR preface it that way.
It was a flippin question designed for inward thought...WTF is up with the you-don't-wanna-fuck-wit-me-today?
Sheletha, I commented on what I was thinking inwardly. LOL. And I really was not in the mood for the stirring things up.
It's all good fam. Monday's can sometimes be "like that". Ease your woes and gone over to Miz's sight and read the latest QPQL
Whew! Now that was some holy drama! Okay, I'm aiming to be an A-lister, you know getting in shape, sharpening my lines, readying myself for that lead part...all awhile polishing myself as the BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS. You hear me! Great post Rich!
Rich, you're on point and being INCREDIBLY diplomatic!
I'm up for bat in the 7th inning in a game that's tied up and getting tense. I am now becoming a one-man/one-God team to get to what I want. It's weird--I see now more than ever that I've stood in the way of my best wishes for months now.
I guess I'm moving from Supporting Cast to Lead Actor slowly yet surely.
Um...what did I come back to???
Anyway, how about none of the above? I want to be the crazy but brilliant recluse who never leaves her house.
What's up Girly Girl, you were definitely missed.
I like Saadia's answer better. LOL.
Great anaology (or is it metaphor?)
Either way I get it. I better be the lead!
Dang Mega Rich...
You made a great point---
I will be in STL on the 25th--- tell me a spot to go to---
A moment of clarity - deep post. I'm trying to be a leading actress :)
Not only am I the leading actor I'm also financing the movie so I can make more money on the back in. I believe enough in myself to put my money behind me.
Dangggg...I missed ALL this! I'm clearly the Leading Lady in MY LIFE movie! And that's all that matters to me. LOL!
Right now I am the Supporting actress. Def working on being the Lead!
Good post.
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