
A Candidate For Us All

Now that John Edwards is ready to concede the contest, Voters will be left with Hillary and Obama as the choice for the Democratic Presidential Nominee. As Obama continues to gain new ground, white America will have to closely examine themselves and determine if they are indeed NOT racist. It's easy to claim you aren't and defer to the few black acquaintances you have, but at the end of the day, when no one is watching they will have to decide if they can show and prove.

To help them out, I decided to help them see Obama in a different light. Maybe, this is the Obama the majority can vote for. What do you think.


Anonymous said...

Now THAT is scary, but the point is truly made. Nevertheless, we all need to see that human for what he is and how he is. He will either make it or not based on what all of us think he can do...but in the end, he still has to be him and we still have to see him as him.

Can you imagine "them" under illusion that he is one of them only to have the scales fall off their eyes on inauguration day?

I was working for a major chain once, and had been talking with a customer about concerns. He was happy at the way they were handled (over the phone) and wanted to come in and meet me. He was chattin' up an employee when they both realized he was looking for someone else. When I was called, he took one look, turned and walked out.

...and I felt no pain.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

@ sojourner -- Haven't I been there before. You have your professional voice that doesn't speak to your ethnicity and when they finally meet you, they want to know where the "white" Rich is who they've had the greatest time talking to. It certainly can't be this black guy standing in front of them now. No way could black folks actually do an outstanding job of taking care of the client.


CapCity said...

Now he'd have to change his name to something less "Middle Eastern": Barry O'Reilly maybe...???

CapCity said...

And Sojourner & Rich:
Since I'm "light skinned" folk "want" me to claim EVERYthing BUT Black;-)...

So, I love this quote:

“I do not belong to the sobbing school of negrohood whose feelings are all hurt about it. When discriminated against, I’m merely astonished — How can anyone deny themselves the pleasure of my company?”
~ Zora Neale Hurston

Chari said...

Lol, you are wrrrrong....

Anonymous said...

cap - I'd never heard that quote before and I love me some Z!

I'm voting for Obama and I believe he has a chance.

Jazzy said...

LOL!! You are sooooooooo wrong for that picture. Just all kinds of scary!

Suite B said...

Please take that pic off...he looks a damn fool as a white man.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

@Cap -- Love the quote

@mystery -- Somebody has to play the fool every now and again.

@jali -- me too!

@Opinionated Diva and Suite B - But his momma is white. How far fetched can it be.

Unknown said...

Call me the odd man out, but I think White voters will be his ticket into the House that Slavery Built...oops, I mean the White House. They vote, and they like him. I just don't want another dynasty in the Oval Office. The Presidency should not remind me of the NBA Championships every decade of my life! NO MORE THREE-PEATS! many ways, it's just flip-sides of the same coin.

Shout-out to Cap for that ZNH quote...

Literary Felonies said...

Rich, you, Sojourner G and Cap have captured my sentiments to the bone!

@Cap- Zora Neale Hurston for Prez! I, too have loved that writ for years and have included it in my personal, literary repetoire along with, "Black women are the mules of the world..."

And, in keeping with the ilk, I must share this: A few days back I was on business in Virigina, visiting my companies' corporate hq for the first time and meeting those that I've talked with extensively. You should've seen the blatant looks I got after being introduced- shock, awe, amazement. It was downright hilarious! One in particular was my upline boss who I interviewed with for this gig. Oh, when we talked/interviewed we had soooo much in common, both being Midwesterners, both having attended the same college that we barely got around to the purpose. Needless to say, when I was introduced to him, instead of shaking my outstretched hand, his mouth fell open then he choked! I mean literally choked- to the point of needing to leave the room to get water. I turned to my manager, a sista, and said, "just when you start to think you've cleared the woods..." and we both simply shrugged.

Should Obama win the Presidency as he should, he'll no doubt become an 'honorary' part of the majority society for them to be comfortable calling him "Mister" anything, let alone President. Matters not to me, it'll be a slash in the WIN column regardless.

Ticia said...


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

now that pic is funny.

CapCity said...

Glad y'all liked the quote! (I borrowed it from another blog where I found it;-)

Sheletha said...

uhhhh i no like!

obama '08

Eb the Celeb said...

OMG -- that is really scary... reminds me of that movie that Eddie Murphy did where he walked around as a white man for a day