For Back on Track Tuesday, I figured I would revisit my goals for my 365 Day challenge. We'll cover more of the book The Alchemist next week. We are on the second half, so if you want to get in on the discussion pick up a copy, it is an excellent read for those looking to achieve their life's work.

The beauty of attempting to achieve your goals through a public forum is that it prevents you from escaping the reality of who you are. Since creating the 365-day challenge I have realized that I’m not good with meeting personal deadlines. I have the tendency to keep pushing the dates back. I think part of my problem is that I have ADD (self diagnosed). I get bored so easily. I will jump around just for the sake of creating another level of excitement.
The other thing I learned is that I have a fear of non-acceptance. As outgoing as I am, I sometimes question whether people will accept what I’m offering. This is of course in regards to my writing and other business ideas. But I have decided that I can’t afford to keep questioning myself, I just need to move forward, especially since I have a hard time getting excited about the work that I do professionally. I’m thinking I need to just take the recent advice of my youngest daughter. Most days Elise (her middle name which we rarely use) is the first to greet me when I arrive home and like most kids she asks pretty routine questions like, “how was your day?” Well, one day she took it a step further and asks me what it is that I do exactly, because I said my day had gone “so-so”. I explained to her that the majority of my day is spent sitting in front of the computer either solving programming issues or I’m biding my time by surfing the web, but that I don’t really “like” my job that much but I do it so that I can take care of them. Her response was not only immediate, but spot on when she suggested, “well, why don’t you find a job that you love doing.” Oh the wisdom of a 10 year old! If that wasn’t enough she follows up two days later by asking if I had found the job yet. The answer, which I didn’t really explain to her was both “yes” and “no”. I gave her the adult response of “it takes time to find another job blah, blah, blah,” but inwardly I had found the job that I loved. I’ve been carrying it around with me for years. I’ve just been scared to do it. Scared I won’t get the crowds I see in my head, because I don’t fit the stereotypical presenter of such information. Goal # 13 on my 365 Day Challenge was to complete “Seminar” by January 1st. Well, it’s August and although I did start it, I haven't come close to finishing it. The seminar in question is a financial education seminar designed to help people get out of debt. My goal is to complete the seminar and begin touring to help people take control of their financial lives. Interesting enough, I have presented “others” work successfully, but not sure of the reception I will get when my face is the one out front. People can be so finicky, but if I keep worrying about that, I’ll never do it. So, later for that train of thought, I’ve got to get it done.
With that said, I have some updates to my 365 Day Challenge.
1. Stop drinking soda – I did it when they took Coke out of our building and brought in Pepsi, but Coke has been back since March and I’ve been on it occasionally. When I'm not drinking Coke, those new Mountain Dew flavors have been pulling me in, but I'm determined. I'm going to take this in spurts. I'm going to see if I can stay soda free until the October book signing in New York. If I make it that far, then I can go till the end of the year. I can also see how much of a difference it has made in my efforts to lose weight by then. Which brings me to #2.
2. Commit to a five day workout plan. – I fell off the bandwagon. It’s been extremely hard to get out of that bed in the morning. I haven’t worked out but maybe a couple of times in the past 30 – 45 days. (hangs head in shame). I guess I need to read my own “Richisms” and realize that “the bed is the enemy of progress.” I have solicited the help of a brother that I attend church with who is a personal trainer and he sends me text messages several times a week encouraging me to stand strong and make better decisions with regard to my help. It's working. The word says faith comes by hearing and hearing, so I'm going to keep feeding myself positive words of enthusiasm, so that I will be the better for it as it relates to my health.
3. Finish complete first draft of “Chance Encounters” – I didn’t make the December 16th date, but I DID FINISH IT, thanks to some pesky co-workers who really dig my writing. Interestingly, their first names are similar. So thanks to Renetta Fuller and Renita Williams for staying on me.
4. Not so lucky with my story “Closure”. To me it’s predictable and I so hate being predictable. I’m still trying to work that one out in my head, maybe it will come to me. I’m not giving up on it. I have since started another story called Ruby's Blues that I like so much better.
5. Visiting California won't happen before the summer is over, but I do plan to go before the year is up. – Ced, I have family in San Diego area so we may get the chance to break bread after all.
6. Didn’t happen in Chicago for the Christmas holidays, but she got her shopping on in DC back in April (3 outlet malls and one indoor mall), so I ain’t mad and she isn’t either.
7. Done – saw my Florida relatives in January, just hated that it was due to a funeral.
8. Phone calls are easy - Done
9. In the process of finishing the changes to our house, but in the meantime we purchased a foreclosure and already have it rented out. We are actively looking for more good deals. Don't believe the hype people, if you have dreams and aspirations of owning investment property, do your due diligence and buy now while the prices are low.
10. Selling books ain’t no joke. Don’t think you are going to waltz into this game and blow up over night. If you do, it’s because it was long in the cards for you. The Bloggers' Delight brand will do great things for up and coming authors who blog, I'm sure of it. As we focus on the quality writing
11. Reschedule working on novel. However, I did complete a novel writing course and was happy that my work was well received by a multicultural crowd. As any good writer, I'm constantly working to get better and I'm sure with persistence I will be all I envision that I can.
12. I decided against attending the Book Club Convention because I want to finish a self-authored offering.
13. Already talked about “Seminar”
14. PowerCell – which is another great idea I came up with. The idea surrounds investing in real estate and with all the rule changes we had no choice but to delay the revealing of the plan.
15. Ongoing -- spending time with my wife
16. Ongoing -- spending time with my kids
17. I subscribed to a free Podcast I found on itunes that helped with learning Spanish, but I may need something more structured. Either way, I still want to learn the language.
18. Modifying the Scholarship idea. I had an idea early in the year to donate books to schools libraries and I think I would like to incorporate the book list into the scholarship initiative somehow. More on that later. This will be part of my “Changing the Game” initiative.
19. Reading more books than I can keep up with. Currently reading a great novel called Blood On The Leaves, by Jeff Stetson. I highly recommend it.
20. As I stated earlier, I completed a workshop and I'm continually reading up on the craft.
21. Still considering if I have the time to commit to 100 Black Men. The St. Louis chapter is very big on mentoring and I hate giving my word and not keeping it, especially when children are involved.
22. I have been slowly building my music selection. My Ipod took a spill and I'm awaiting a new one, but I can't wait to buy more. Thanks to all of you who provided music selections in the past.
23. – 40. Never came up with anything else to add to list. This is enough to keep up with. I think I’ll finish everything I want to by the time my 365 Days are up.
I’d also like to thank Jaded Nyer and Richard Brooks for following up with me on staying true to these goals. I appreciate your having my back.

The beauty of attempting to achieve your goals through a public forum is that it prevents you from escaping the reality of who you are. Since creating the 365-day challenge I have realized that I’m not good with meeting personal deadlines. I have the tendency to keep pushing the dates back. I think part of my problem is that I have ADD (self diagnosed). I get bored so easily. I will jump around just for the sake of creating another level of excitement.
The other thing I learned is that I have a fear of non-acceptance. As outgoing as I am, I sometimes question whether people will accept what I’m offering. This is of course in regards to my writing and other business ideas. But I have decided that I can’t afford to keep questioning myself, I just need to move forward, especially since I have a hard time getting excited about the work that I do professionally. I’m thinking I need to just take the recent advice of my youngest daughter. Most days Elise (her middle name which we rarely use) is the first to greet me when I arrive home and like most kids she asks pretty routine questions like, “how was your day?” Well, one day she took it a step further and asks me what it is that I do exactly, because I said my day had gone “so-so”. I explained to her that the majority of my day is spent sitting in front of the computer either solving programming issues or I’m biding my time by surfing the web, but that I don’t really “like” my job that much but I do it so that I can take care of them. Her response was not only immediate, but spot on when she suggested, “well, why don’t you find a job that you love doing.” Oh the wisdom of a 10 year old! If that wasn’t enough she follows up two days later by asking if I had found the job yet. The answer, which I didn’t really explain to her was both “yes” and “no”. I gave her the adult response of “it takes time to find another job blah, blah, blah,” but inwardly I had found the job that I loved. I’ve been carrying it around with me for years. I’ve just been scared to do it. Scared I won’t get the crowds I see in my head, because I don’t fit the stereotypical presenter of such information. Goal # 13 on my 365 Day Challenge was to complete “Seminar” by January 1st. Well, it’s August and although I did start it, I haven't come close to finishing it. The seminar in question is a financial education seminar designed to help people get out of debt. My goal is to complete the seminar and begin touring to help people take control of their financial lives. Interesting enough, I have presented “others” work successfully, but not sure of the reception I will get when my face is the one out front. People can be so finicky, but if I keep worrying about that, I’ll never do it. So, later for that train of thought, I’ve got to get it done.
With that said, I have some updates to my 365 Day Challenge.
1. Stop drinking soda – I did it when they took Coke out of our building and brought in Pepsi, but Coke has been back since March and I’ve been on it occasionally. When I'm not drinking Coke, those new Mountain Dew flavors have been pulling me in, but I'm determined. I'm going to take this in spurts. I'm going to see if I can stay soda free until the October book signing in New York. If I make it that far, then I can go till the end of the year. I can also see how much of a difference it has made in my efforts to lose weight by then. Which brings me to #2.
2. Commit to a five day workout plan. – I fell off the bandwagon. It’s been extremely hard to get out of that bed in the morning. I haven’t worked out but maybe a couple of times in the past 30 – 45 days. (hangs head in shame). I guess I need to read my own “Richisms” and realize that “the bed is the enemy of progress.” I have solicited the help of a brother that I attend church with who is a personal trainer and he sends me text messages several times a week encouraging me to stand strong and make better decisions with regard to my help. It's working. The word says faith comes by hearing and hearing, so I'm going to keep feeding myself positive words of enthusiasm, so that I will be the better for it as it relates to my health.
3. Finish complete first draft of “Chance Encounters” – I didn’t make the December 16th date, but I DID FINISH IT, thanks to some pesky co-workers who really dig my writing. Interestingly, their first names are similar. So thanks to Renetta Fuller and Renita Williams for staying on me.
4. Not so lucky with my story “Closure”. To me it’s predictable and I so hate being predictable. I’m still trying to work that one out in my head, maybe it will come to me. I’m not giving up on it. I have since started another story called Ruby's Blues that I like so much better.
5. Visiting California won't happen before the summer is over, but I do plan to go before the year is up. – Ced, I have family in San Diego area so we may get the chance to break bread after all.
6. Didn’t happen in Chicago for the Christmas holidays, but she got her shopping on in DC back in April (3 outlet malls and one indoor mall), so I ain’t mad and she isn’t either.
7. Done – saw my Florida relatives in January, just hated that it was due to a funeral.
8. Phone calls are easy - Done
9. In the process of finishing the changes to our house, but in the meantime we purchased a foreclosure and already have it rented out. We are actively looking for more good deals. Don't believe the hype people, if you have dreams and aspirations of owning investment property, do your due diligence and buy now while the prices are low.
10. Selling books ain’t no joke. Don’t think you are going to waltz into this game and blow up over night. If you do, it’s because it was long in the cards for you. The Bloggers' Delight brand will do great things for up and coming authors who blog, I'm sure of it. As we focus on the quality writing
11. Reschedule working on novel. However, I did complete a novel writing course and was happy that my work was well received by a multicultural crowd. As any good writer, I'm constantly working to get better and I'm sure with persistence I will be all I envision that I can.
12. I decided against attending the Book Club Convention because I want to finish a self-authored offering.
13. Already talked about “Seminar”
14. PowerCell – which is another great idea I came up with. The idea surrounds investing in real estate and with all the rule changes we had no choice but to delay the revealing of the plan.
15. Ongoing -- spending time with my wife
16. Ongoing -- spending time with my kids
17. I subscribed to a free Podcast I found on itunes that helped with learning Spanish, but I may need something more structured. Either way, I still want to learn the language.
18. Modifying the Scholarship idea. I had an idea early in the year to donate books to schools libraries and I think I would like to incorporate the book list into the scholarship initiative somehow. More on that later. This will be part of my “Changing the Game” initiative.
19. Reading more books than I can keep up with. Currently reading a great novel called Blood On The Leaves, by Jeff Stetson. I highly recommend it.
20. As I stated earlier, I completed a workshop and I'm continually reading up on the craft.
21. Still considering if I have the time to commit to 100 Black Men. The St. Louis chapter is very big on mentoring and I hate giving my word and not keeping it, especially when children are involved.
22. I have been slowly building my music selection. My Ipod took a spill and I'm awaiting a new one, but I can't wait to buy more. Thanks to all of you who provided music selections in the past.
23. – 40. Never came up with anything else to add to list. This is enough to keep up with. I think I’ll finish everything I want to by the time my 365 Days are up.
I’d also like to thank Jaded Nyer and Richard Brooks for following up with me on staying true to these goals. I appreciate your having my back.
FUN IN THE FALL -- Join the writers of Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1 - Love & Redemption in New York City during the weekend of October 12th (Columbus Day Holiday).
Where: 583 Riverside Drive, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10031.
For More Information visit
For More Information visit
Hey, fam! Let me know when you're rolling through!
Ahhh who among us hasn't been plagued with the whispers of self doubt.
Keep at it I say Fitzgerald! You certainly inspired me. I am still pondering the question you posed to me weeks ago...Am I hungry?
aww great job, Rich on your accomplishments. The rest will come and you can always forward those motivational texts to my cellphone. I know I need them in the afternoon for my workout.
If only we could all take more time to commit to our lists of things to do...I am actually in the process of writing a book as well, and if there is one thing that I have done more than enough, it's procrastinate. Sometimes we really have to re-asses, re-fuel, roll up our sleeves, and get back out there and do what we need to do and "love" to do. Your daughter had some very good advice, and children tend to tell you exactly what you need to hear! Good luck with everything and I hope much ground will continue to be covered.
Hey Rich, I think this is excellent.
Writing your goals down like this.
But's more important to execute them as well. Good Luck
with your endeavors.
I've seen a few on this post that I need to do myself..Such as comitting to a work out plan,
reading more books and getting out of debt.
Well, I'm almost out of debt...
and I did start reading a novel...
got to work on that workout regimen.
"I have realized that I’m not good with meeting personal deadlines. I have the tendency to keep pushing the dates back. I think part of my problem is that I have ADD (self diagnosed). I get bored so easily. I will jump around just for the sake of creating another level of excitement." This is sooooo freaking me. And that fear of not having my work accepted by others....wait, did I write this I talking to myself.
Seriously, this might be the modivation I need as well, to complete projects. I get so damn bored so quickly. I need to make myself paint again. I need to lock on this the 365 challenge.
Good list. I should make my own and set a deadline. I used to be so organized, but lately (last few years) I have just been reacting to life as it hits me. Between hubby being home everyday now and medical stuff we have been through, I have not worked on my novel in months and only get to read in spurts. Definitely, dedicated writing and reading time would be on the list.
I'll have to keep my list somewhere I can see it multiple times daily, like my bedroom nightstand. Framed, it might not look so odd.
Children are something special.
Not to long ago my son recited my dreams to me when I was complaining about my life. Made me start crying.
Having a list of goals and then achieving those goals is rewarding. I have to remember not to allow myself to get down when a deadline has past or a goal seems unattainable. Just keep going for it.
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