When your back is up against the wall, push yourself forward.
I tend to study people and I notice that a lot of times we withdraw or pull back when the going gets tough. I’ve been guilty of it a time or three, but as I get older and wiser I’m beginning to realize that if you take advantage of the pressure that’s coming against you in your life, you just may find a way to propel yourself forward.
I think that the problem is that we’ve gotten too soft. We have too much nice stuff, too many creature comforts. We don’t know how to work through issues. We’ve forgotten how to be creative. We don’t improvise enough. We don’t think. We just retreat and try to hold onto as much comfort as possible. Is that how you want to continuing living your life? Just enough for the city. If you evaluate history and those who have excelled, you will find that in times of great pressure they focus and try to see things unlike they've seen them before. They realize that greatness won’t come as the result of an easy life; it will come as the result of a smartly fought one.
For example, most people are cutting back like crazy with the rising cost of fuel. That's good to a point, but what are you doing to reposition yourself for the better. What if gas doesn't go down any time soon. What will you do then? Are you investing in anything? Are you finding ways to create income? Are you tapping into your gifts?
You have to see beyond the problem and find your solution. The solution that propels you forward, not one that helps you deal with the pain. In other words, find a way to get rid of the headache, don't just settle for aspirin.
If you look with right eyes and listen with right ears, you will realize your breakthrough is at hand. The question is do you have the faith to see your way through it?
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit www.i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
You Can Have What You Believe - Get Clear. Devise A Plan. Keep Your Word and Follow the Plan. Make Modifications. Don't Quit
In Search of Great Content: Jimmie from Harlem
During my trip to Chicago a couple of weeks back my friend DJ turned me onto the podcasts that are available through itunes. Being the non-shopper that I am, I had avoided itunes because I had no need of making a purchase through their service since I still like buying my music the old way – going to the record store. So until I compile my list of ipod must haves, they will have to wait to get my money. Nevertheless, when I found out about the content available through the podcasts, I began seeking material at a feverish pace. One night I was up on and off throughout the night making sure my podcasts had loaded properly. It was like getting a new game at Christmas. I had found a new something to love and I could feel its pull. It was drawing me into its welcoming embrace, transforming me into a podcast junkie.
During my search I happened upon some Tavis Smiley interviews and then I noticed the section where you can see recommendations by those who also loaded what you are currently checking out. It was through those links that I stumbled upon Black Media Archive. They have some of the best historical content around. I have watched black and white African American films dating back to the 30’s and viewed interviews by the likes of Gil Scott Heron, Elijah Muhammad, Stic.man of Dead Prez, and I found some material on James Baldwin.
I have to admit, I have never read Mr. Baldwin, although I have read his contemporaries Wright and Hughes. Nevertheless, after watching Jimmie Baldwin's interviews, I found his views to be spot on and timeless. Much of what he expressed in his interviews from the 60’s is still relevant to this very day. It just goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I was actually able to find one of the interviews on You Tube. So sit back and settle into the week while enjoying this cup of Mr. James Baldwin. If you are like me, you will absolutely embrace his closing statement.
Online Subscribers link: James Baldwin Video
[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit www.i-Lit.com. The book is also available on Amazon.
During my search I happened upon some Tavis Smiley interviews and then I noticed the section where you can see recommendations by those who also loaded what you are currently checking out. It was through those links that I stumbled upon Black Media Archive. They have some of the best historical content around. I have watched black and white African American films dating back to the 30’s and viewed interviews by the likes of Gil Scott Heron, Elijah Muhammad, Stic.man of Dead Prez, and I found some material on James Baldwin.
I have to admit, I have never read Mr. Baldwin, although I have read his contemporaries Wright and Hughes. Nevertheless, after watching Jimmie Baldwin's interviews, I found his views to be spot on and timeless. Much of what he expressed in his interviews from the 60’s is still relevant to this very day. It just goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I was actually able to find one of the interviews on You Tube. So sit back and settle into the week while enjoying this cup of Mr. James Baldwin. If you are like me, you will absolutely embrace his closing statement.
Online Subscribers link: James Baldwin Video
[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit www.i-Lit.com. The book is also available on Amazon.
What Recession?
I got a letter from the government
The other day
I opened
And read it
It said they was suckers…
Public Enemy - Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
The other day
I opened
And read it
It said they was suckers…
Public Enemy - Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
This week if you filed your taxes electronically you will get your “rip-off rebate” disguised as an economic stimulus check. The Bush Administration must be feeling a little sorry for jacking us of our loot the last FOUR years (the first four were nothing compared to these) so they have found a way to give it back and look like heroes at the same time.
I've said it before, the government could really do something about the economy if they wanted to as opposed to giving us a check we will have to account for on your taxes next year. We already covered some of that logic in a previous post. And while I’m sure most people will not be stamping “return to sender” on their checks, please believe it’s not going to make things better. Gas is almost $4/gallon and milk and other staple goods are keeping pace. Folks will run through this money before the week ends, because most households are already juggling just to keep up. This "stimulus" check just keeps you in the game longer - it still won't lower your chances of getting hurt. If they really wanted to give the economy a jolt, instead of putting billions into yet another senseless war, they could give the countries beloved negro's their reparations check. Cause nobody spends money like black folks yelling "I’m rich beeyotch!"
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit www.i-Lit.com. The book is also available on Amazon.
Talkin' Out the Side of Your Neck
If you are either in a relationship now or have been in the past you have no doubt encountered a situation where you and your mate didn't take each others advice. Sometimes the result of which brings about an "I told you so" or at worst not heeding the advice caused the relationship to end. Sometimes you tell your mate the same things over and over and they just think you are nagging them.
Well, today I'm going to help you out. Sometimes all we need to get our points across is for someone other than ourselves to say what we've been saying. With that in mind, I decided to ask the ladies (the gents are up next week) what would they tell men if the men would listen. I didn't give them any script, I just asked them to speak their minds. This is what they told me. What would you have said?
Video Link (online subscribers)
[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Well, today I'm going to help you out. Sometimes all we need to get our points across is for someone other than ourselves to say what we've been saying. With that in mind, I decided to ask the ladies (the gents are up next week) what would they tell men if the men would listen. I didn't give them any script, I just asked them to speak their minds. This is what they told me. What would you have said?
Video Link (online subscribers)
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Help Yourself to a Blessing
It's one thing to hear an expression over and over, but it's another thing to get the revelation of it by experiencing it. Take the phrase "It's better to give than to receive." I received the fullness of this phrase this past weekend when I decided to drive four hours to Chicago to support the taping of a pilot for an idea a buddy of mine has for a show. I have to admit, the timing of the taping kind of caught me off guard because I thought I had another week before it was supposed to go down. However, on Thursday night I found out it would be the coming Saturday, so because my man DJ and I have been down since 1997, I just grabbed the bull by the horns and rode out.
Fast forward to Saturday. My plan was to act as DJ's assistant to help take away some of the stress of managing a product of this magnitude. However, fate had something else in store. As it turned out a couple of people had issues preventing them from making the taping so DJ asked me to fill in. While I was totally unprepared for that, I promised to ad lib as best as I could and that I would try not to look like a "doofus" in the process.
When I tell you the taping of this show was incredible and loads of fun, I kid you not. The cast and I had an absolutely wonderful time. I think the experience exceeded our expectations. So what's my point. The point is that I went into the weekend looking to give of myself freely and I ended up being blessed in the process. I got a chance to meet some great guys and I got a chance to get in front of the camera which has been one of my dreams. I've never dreamed of being a major actor, but I would like to cut my teeth in the industry if possible. Who knows maybe one of my future writing projects will get picked up and turned into a movie. You never know. But with everything I have going on in my life it's likely it would have been a long time before I could have put any energy into acting. Therefore, it's amazing how through my giving, it has been given to me. That is wonderful. As I heard growing up, "you can't beat God's giving." When you give for goodness sake, sooner or later you will find that you also get blessed in the process.
Let me FLIP the subject a bit. During my short stint as DJ's assistant, I took some footage of the cast and a couple of people on the set. I can't tell you much about the concept other than what will be obvious from the interviews. For now, the intimate details about the project are on the hush-hush. When I've been given the clearance, I'll promote the show to the fullest and provide you with more details. Until then, enjoy.
Feed Burner Video Link (online subscribers)
Free Plug: If you are in the Chicago area and need some assistance with production, check out the talented people at Studio 207.
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Fast forward to Saturday. My plan was to act as DJ's assistant to help take away some of the stress of managing a product of this magnitude. However, fate had something else in store. As it turned out a couple of people had issues preventing them from making the taping so DJ asked me to fill in. While I was totally unprepared for that, I promised to ad lib as best as I could and that I would try not to look like a "doofus" in the process.
When I tell you the taping of this show was incredible and loads of fun, I kid you not. The cast and I had an absolutely wonderful time. I think the experience exceeded our expectations. So what's my point. The point is that I went into the weekend looking to give of myself freely and I ended up being blessed in the process. I got a chance to meet some great guys and I got a chance to get in front of the camera which has been one of my dreams. I've never dreamed of being a major actor, but I would like to cut my teeth in the industry if possible. Who knows maybe one of my future writing projects will get picked up and turned into a movie. You never know. But with everything I have going on in my life it's likely it would have been a long time before I could have put any energy into acting. Therefore, it's amazing how through my giving, it has been given to me. That is wonderful. As I heard growing up, "you can't beat God's giving." When you give for goodness sake, sooner or later you will find that you also get blessed in the process.
Let me FLIP the subject a bit. During my short stint as DJ's assistant, I took some footage of the cast and a couple of people on the set. I can't tell you much about the concept other than what will be obvious from the interviews. For now, the intimate details about the project are on the hush-hush. When I've been given the clearance, I'll promote the show to the fullest and provide you with more details. Until then, enjoy.
Feed Burner Video Link (online subscribers)
Free Plug: If you are in the Chicago area and need some assistance with production, check out the talented people at Studio 207.
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Fun-filled weekend in DC
Here's the footage I promised from the DC event. Can't wait to see who comes out for the Atlanta Event:
Saturday, June 7th, 2008
at The Grounds Coffeehouse @SkyLofts
898 Oak Street, Atlanta, GA.
See U there: 7-10pm.
at The Grounds Coffeehouse @SkyLofts
898 Oak Street, Atlanta, GA.
See U there: 7-10pm.
Blogger's In DC
A Bit of History
Public Service Note
** When I originally posted this, I wasn't sure if the feed was working. I have now found the problem. Thank you for your patience.
I'm currently putting together my first official Rich House TV video, so please forgive me if I don't deliver the frequency of posts that you have become accustomed to here at The Rich House.
I would also like to encourage you to subscribe to The Rich House by leaving your email address in the appropriate box to the right. I should have done this a long time ago considering all the wonderful blogs in existence and the added level of service that it provides you, the reader. By subscribing, you will get notified by email when a new post is created and will thereby get to maximize your surfing experience.
Thanks in advance for your loyal readership and do look forward to some pleasant surprises in the near future as I continue to strive at Changing the Game.
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
I'm currently putting together my first official Rich House TV video, so please forgive me if I don't deliver the frequency of posts that you have become accustomed to here at The Rich House.
I would also like to encourage you to subscribe to The Rich House by leaving your email address in the appropriate box to the right. I should have done this a long time ago considering all the wonderful blogs in existence and the added level of service that it provides you, the reader. By subscribing, you will get notified by email when a new post is created and will thereby get to maximize your surfing experience.
Thanks in advance for your loyal readership and do look forward to some pleasant surprises in the near future as I continue to strive at Changing the Game.
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Before I attended the DC book signing, I received a great piece of technology, the Ultra Flip Video recorder (see photo at top right). This digital video camera is the size of my cellphone, but about as twice as thick. This makes it easy to carry in my pocket or in my hand, and it's so easy to use. Not to mention, loading video is easy because it has a built in USB attachment. That being the case, I plan on bringing you more of my own video.
Reality Blogging (part 1 of changing the game)
Here at The Rich House, I like to keep it fresh, so we are going to change the game up a bit. When I did my Fade to Black post everyone thought (probably because I wrote it in that slant) that I was quitting blogging. On the contrary. I just decided that I wanted to change the focus of my blogging. You will still get the thought provoking and entertaining pieces, but you'll also get some live unscripted footage. So hang around for the ride and let's see what new and exciting ground we can cover.
St. Louis Book Signing
Today we are going to play it safe and just share some photos and video footage from a book signing that I was invited to attend as a signing author. It was a great venue, held at a fairly new black owned bookstore, Not Just A Bookstore. I met some fantastic authors and sold some books from the Love and Redemption project while helping the store owners make a little money. That was cool.
Rich Fitzgerald, Foxy 95.5 Radio Personality Niecy Davis,
and Author Londa B
Author Carletta D. Washington, M.Ed.
As soon as that event was over I stopped by my local library to show some love to National Best Selling Author Eric Jerome Dickey, who has a new book out entitled PLEASURE. Come to find out, he had heard of the Blogger's Delight Book and was happy to extend us a photo opportunity. Thanks for the love Eric.

About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Reality Blogging (part 1 of changing the game)
Here at The Rich House, I like to keep it fresh, so we are going to change the game up a bit. When I did my Fade to Black post everyone thought (probably because I wrote it in that slant) that I was quitting blogging. On the contrary. I just decided that I wanted to change the focus of my blogging. You will still get the thought provoking and entertaining pieces, but you'll also get some live unscripted footage. So hang around for the ride and let's see what new and exciting ground we can cover.
St. Louis Book Signing
Today we are going to play it safe and just share some photos and video footage from a book signing that I was invited to attend as a signing author. It was a great venue, held at a fairly new black owned bookstore, Not Just A Bookstore. I met some fantastic authors and sold some books from the Love and Redemption project while helping the store owners make a little money. That was cool.
and Author Londa B
As soon as that event was over I stopped by my local library to show some love to National Best Selling Author Eric Jerome Dickey, who has a new book out entitled PLEASURE. Come to find out, he had heard of the Blogger's Delight Book and was happy to extend us a photo opportunity. Thanks for the love Eric.
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Hypothetically Speaking

You’ve worked hard to get where you are in your career, but you aren’t satisfied. You consistently raise the bar on your performance and you are an avid reader, always looking to improve yourself. One of the executives from your office stumbles upon your blog one weekend while doing some diversity research and is quite impressed with your ability to speak to the issues. On Monday you get an email from this executive inviting you to lunch to talk about some of your views as it relates to an upcoming project. You graciously accept and look forward to this opportunity as your moment to shine.
Ms/Mr Executive has wanted to try one of the better known soul food restaurants in the city, so you agree to meet them there. While having lunch you relay facts and figures in effect to let Mr/Ms Executive know you are the real deal. After some small talk about how each of you came to the company you realize you must have passed the test.
“I have a proposition for you. We are currently putting together a committee to handle some of the diversity issues we face as a company. This committee is comprised of other executives but after hearing what you’ve had to say I’d like to invite you to participate.”
You like what you are hearing. You’re beaming on the inside, nodding your head at all the right moments, listening intently, and you want to shout, hallelujah! This is music to your ears!
“In preparation for this committee meeting I have been asked as the sole minority executive on the panel to put together a report for my colleagues. Instead I’d like for you to create this document with some of the facts and figures you’ve stated to me today but I’ll need to present it as my own.”
Hold up. You didn’t hear what you just thought you heard did you? The light illuminating Mr/Ms Executive begins to fade. You knew there was a catch. Now that the music that was playing in your head has stopped you begin sizing up Mr/Ms Executive a little more closely. You wonder if they even deserve the position they now hold since you’ve gotten a glimpse of how they operate.
“I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t think you were capable. I’d consider it a personal favor and when the opportunity comes you can count on me to be there for you. I can see the hunger and drive you have and I can help you get to higher places in the company, but before that happens I need you to take care of this for me. You have some time to think about it, but I need to know if you are willing to play ball by the end of the week.”
Question: If you were the woman or man in this situation, and this happened to you, what would you do? Hypothetically speaking of course.
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Yo! Bumrush the Show
I'm going to write this in clearly defined sections so you can come back to it if need be.
My trip to DC was absolutely wonderful. It was filled with so many wonderful moments that I don’t know where to begin. I guess I should provide readers with a little background as to why I was really looking forward to this trip since most of you only knew about the book signing for Bloggers’ Delight Vol. 1: Love and Redemption. What I didn’t tell anyone at the time was that I lived in DC as a child from 1973 – 1974 and the city has long held a favorite place in my heart. When I returned to Jacksonville, FL to begin the third grade at North Shore Elementary, I wore DC like a badge of honor because I had been where other students only dreamed of going, the Nation’s Capital. So, during my first visit to the city in 34 years, I sought out the building that I lived in at 1731 New Hampshire Avenue only to find that it was now a hotel. After talking to the management I learned that the Granite State Building as it was called when I lived there was originally built in the 30’s as an apartment building, but in the late 70’s, roughly around 1978 it was purchased and turned into the St. Charles Hotel. That hotel only lasted a year and then it was purchased by the current owners and is now the Carlyle Suites Hotel. They have taken care of the building over the years and it's centrally located and a great place to stay. I may decide to stay there on a future trip so I can show my kids a bit of my history.
My memories during my years stay was pretty much confined to the immediate area since my grade school; Ross Elementary was right around the corner.

It’s still standing there today. Sidebar -- It is amazing the foresight that school had in the 70’s. I was exposed to Spanish in my second grade class, and I wasn’t exposed to foreign languages again until I reached high school as I continued my education within the public school system of Duval County.
I found out another interesting bit of history about Ross Elementary, President Jimmy Carter’s daughter Amy attended the school during his presidency. This would explain why I was equally surprised to learn that the neighborhood was a bit more upscale than I had imagined. As it turned out, my parents could only afford a one bedroom apartment at the time. My brother and I shared the bedroom while my parents' bed was in what should have been our living room. It’s amazing the sacrifices parents make for the benefit of their kids and the children are none the wiser. Needless to say, we (my wife and I) brought my parents some souvenir’s from one of the places my dad asked me to find – Ben’s Chili Bowl.
Ben's Chili Bowl is a DC landmark. There have been a great many celebrities, entertainers and politicians that have visited the restaurant. As it turned out, there was a taping of a scene for a new Russell Crowe movie in the restaurant just about a week or so ago. If you are ever in DC, be sure to check out Ben’s Chili Bowl. It's on U Street next to the Lincoln Center near 12th Street.

Another reason I was excited about going to DC was because I would get the chance to see my Uncle Zema, who is widely known in DC as Chief Zee, the unofficial mascot (there’s a story there but I won’t go into it) for the Washington Redskins.


Chief, as he is affectionately known, has been the brother my father never had. Both he and my dad have been friends since before I was born and since neither grew up with a brother, only sisters, they adopted each other. Throughout my life I have known him as my uncle, it wasn’t until I was an adult and was able to get the full story that I found out that we were not blood related, but that means nothing when real love is present.
Chief has lived in the DC area for nearly 40 years, and has been appearing at Redskin games in his full outfit since the time I lived in DC. He has only missed two home games in all those years. One was due to the death of his mother and the other for the funeral of his longtime friend Crazy Ray, who was the official mascot for the Dallas Cowboys until his death. Chief Zee, while never the official mascot, has been inducted into the Football Hall of Fame as part of the fan section.
In addition to my Uncle, my wife and I had the chance to visit with my brother-in-law. He's a doctor on staff at Howard University. My wife and I are very proud of her "baby" brother.


Since my primary reason for making the trip was due to the book signing, it goes without saying that I was pleased to have another opportunity to hang with my girls CapCity and Mizrepresent. I also had a tentative meeting set with blogger “Juan in DC” whom I met during my joyous time as a member of the Lo Zone family. Juan played host as my wife, CapCity and myself found our way to his lovely home. If you are a fan of art and literature you will be right at home with Juan. We had a great time visiting him and before we knew it we had talked away several hours.

During our visit we were pleased to be informed that Juan was also selected as one of fifty local (D.C.) writers to participate in a multicultural offering by male authors. When the book hit’s stores in the month of May, I will provide you with more details since I'm sure it will be quite a treat.

No, Eb wasn't in DC, but after the book signing we headed over to Busboys and Poets for some cappuccino and dessert. While there, we had the good fortune to run into Professor/Author/Cultural Critic, Rev. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. By this time, we all were a bit weary from the days events, but Dr. Dyson was more than happy to take a moment to greet us and take a quick photo.

We definitely appreciated it and wished we could have gotten a signed copy of his latest release, but there were no more copies available at the bookstore located in the restaurant.

It also bears mentioning that The Chief had his own fan section going at the booksigning. We didn't get in the door before someone stopped us on the street. Also, quite a number of the guests were taking pictures with him, so he was icing on the cake.

Needless to say, we had an all around great time while in DC and I never even got to tell you about the shopping that took place -- my wife and I hit three outlet malls and one regular mall -- unlimited mileage is the way to go on car rentals! If I'm able to get the editing done, I will share the videos that I have, but I'll have to do that in another post. I hope everyone enjoyed the pictures and I can't wait to do it again. Holla!
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
My trip to DC was absolutely wonderful. It was filled with so many wonderful moments that I don’t know where to begin. I guess I should provide readers with a little background as to why I was really looking forward to this trip since most of you only knew about the book signing for Bloggers’ Delight Vol. 1: Love and Redemption. What I didn’t tell anyone at the time was that I lived in DC as a child from 1973 – 1974 and the city has long held a favorite place in my heart. When I returned to Jacksonville, FL to begin the third grade at North Shore Elementary, I wore DC like a badge of honor because I had been where other students only dreamed of going, the Nation’s Capital. So, during my first visit to the city in 34 years, I sought out the building that I lived in at 1731 New Hampshire Avenue only to find that it was now a hotel. After talking to the management I learned that the Granite State Building as it was called when I lived there was originally built in the 30’s as an apartment building, but in the late 70’s, roughly around 1978 it was purchased and turned into the St. Charles Hotel. That hotel only lasted a year and then it was purchased by the current owners and is now the Carlyle Suites Hotel. They have taken care of the building over the years and it's centrally located and a great place to stay. I may decide to stay there on a future trip so I can show my kids a bit of my history.
My memories during my years stay was pretty much confined to the immediate area since my grade school; Ross Elementary was right around the corner.

It’s still standing there today. Sidebar -- It is amazing the foresight that school had in the 70’s. I was exposed to Spanish in my second grade class, and I wasn’t exposed to foreign languages again until I reached high school as I continued my education within the public school system of Duval County.
I found out another interesting bit of history about Ross Elementary, President Jimmy Carter’s daughter Amy attended the school during his presidency. This would explain why I was equally surprised to learn that the neighborhood was a bit more upscale than I had imagined. As it turned out, my parents could only afford a one bedroom apartment at the time. My brother and I shared the bedroom while my parents' bed was in what should have been our living room. It’s amazing the sacrifices parents make for the benefit of their kids and the children are none the wiser. Needless to say, we (my wife and I) brought my parents some souvenir’s from one of the places my dad asked me to find – Ben’s Chili Bowl.
Ben's Chili Bowl is a DC landmark. There have been a great many celebrities, entertainers and politicians that have visited the restaurant. As it turned out, there was a taping of a scene for a new Russell Crowe movie in the restaurant just about a week or so ago. If you are ever in DC, be sure to check out Ben’s Chili Bowl. It's on U Street next to the Lincoln Center near 12th Street.
Another reason I was excited about going to DC was because I would get the chance to see my Uncle Zema, who is widely known in DC as Chief Zee, the unofficial mascot (there’s a story there but I won’t go into it) for the Washington Redskins.
Chief, as he is affectionately known, has been the brother my father never had. Both he and my dad have been friends since before I was born and since neither grew up with a brother, only sisters, they adopted each other. Throughout my life I have known him as my uncle, it wasn’t until I was an adult and was able to get the full story that I found out that we were not blood related, but that means nothing when real love is present.
Chief has lived in the DC area for nearly 40 years, and has been appearing at Redskin games in his full outfit since the time I lived in DC. He has only missed two home games in all those years. One was due to the death of his mother and the other for the funeral of his longtime friend Crazy Ray, who was the official mascot for the Dallas Cowboys until his death. Chief Zee, while never the official mascot, has been inducted into the Football Hall of Fame as part of the fan section.
In addition to my Uncle, my wife and I had the chance to visit with my brother-in-law. He's a doctor on staff at Howard University. My wife and I are very proud of her "baby" brother.
Since my primary reason for making the trip was due to the book signing, it goes without saying that I was pleased to have another opportunity to hang with my girls CapCity and Mizrepresent. I also had a tentative meeting set with blogger “Juan in DC” whom I met during my joyous time as a member of the Lo Zone family. Juan played host as my wife, CapCity and myself found our way to his lovely home. If you are a fan of art and literature you will be right at home with Juan. We had a great time visiting him and before we knew it we had talked away several hours.
During our visit we were pleased to be informed that Juan was also selected as one of fifty local (D.C.) writers to participate in a multicultural offering by male authors. When the book hit’s stores in the month of May, I will provide you with more details since I'm sure it will be quite a treat.
Juan was a great host and I look forward to connecting with him again in the future.
The night of the book signing I was so surprised to look up and see "Lola Gets". She was a blast. Definitely quite the character. If you ever get the opportunity to meet her you are in for a treat. She's intelligent, fun, and an all around good girl. I was hoping to meet James Tubman and kick it with Sharon of Just Write Now, but they were unable to make it. Maybe next time, but we still had a blast.
Speaking of blast, the readings were "fire". I read an excerpt from my story and I also read monster blogger Don's poetic contribution. There was a Caucasian woman having dinner with her two adult son's and she enjoyed the poetry so much that she came over to buy a copy. Don't sleep on us, Bloggers' Delight and its writers are on their way. To get a signed copy, order from the promotional site. For those of you in the vicinity of ATLANTA, we will be dropping it like it's hot come June 7th, so get ready (more information on that later). If you haven't attended an event yet, that will be the one to make since a lot of the participants live in the area. If everyone is in place, you will get to meet book participants Miz (blog hostess), CapCity, Raw Dawg Buffalo, Literary Felonies, and Xcentric Pryncess. I'm sure there are other bloggers in the area, like Nikki, Jali and Tony Oh! who might bless us with their presence, so let's do it big and have a good time.
No, Eb wasn't in DC, but after the book signing we headed over to Busboys and Poets for some cappuccino and dessert. While there, we had the good fortune to run into Professor/Author/Cultural Critic, Rev. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. By this time, we all were a bit weary from the days events, but Dr. Dyson was more than happy to take a moment to greet us and take a quick photo.
We definitely appreciated it and wished we could have gotten a signed copy of his latest release, but there were no more copies available at the bookstore located in the restaurant.

It also bears mentioning that The Chief had his own fan section going at the booksigning. We didn't get in the door before someone stopped us on the street. Also, quite a number of the guests were taking pictures with him, so he was icing on the cake.
Needless to say, we had an all around great time while in DC and I never even got to tell you about the shopping that took place -- my wife and I hit three outlet malls and one regular mall -- unlimited mileage is the way to go on car rentals! If I'm able to get the editing done, I will share the videos that I have, but I'll have to do that in another post. I hope everyone enjoyed the pictures and I can't wait to do it again. Holla!
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Knock'em out the box
To all you fellow blog "RIDERS" out there, keep knockin' 'em out the box. If you are in the DC area or know someone that is, tell them to come check out CAPcity, Mizrepresent and myself on Monday at the Utopia Restaurant and Art Gallery.
Have a great weekend, and keep SWINGIN' them thangs.
[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Have a great weekend, and keep SWINGIN' them thangs.
[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
Shaping the Future

I’m working on a project that I’d like your assistance on. If you were to put together a list of recommended reading for today’s youth, what would you recommend? This list does not have to be limited by race or sex. Here is what I have so far:
Middle/High School Age:
Native Son, Richard Wright
The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Dubois
In The Mecca, Gwendolyn Brooks
1984, George Orwell
Kiss the Girls, James Patterson
The Prince, Machiavelli
A Lesson before Dying, Ernest Gaines
Roots, Alex Haley
Raising Fences, Michael Datcher
Makes Me Wanna Holler, Nathan McCall
Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member, Sanyika Shakur
Elementary Age:
Magic Tree House Series, Mary Pope Osborne
Zach’s Lie and Zach’s Run, Roland Smith
Falling Up and A Light in the Attic, Shel Silverstein
What can you add that will help enrich a child’s life?
About the host:
Rich Fitzgerald is the author of the short story "One to Remember" featured in Love and Redemption (Bloggers' Delight Vol. 1), a collection of short stories by authors who blog. To read excerpts or to order a copy of the title, visit i-Lit. The book is also available on Amazon.
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