Today we will embark on a new path. A path that leads to greater financial prosperity. We will do this by playing the Prosperity Game. I was first introduced to this by my friend
Lolita Files.
She has played this game on a number of occasions with great results. I attempted to play the first time and while I learned a great deal about myself, I was unable to complete the game. Believe it or not, I found great difficulty performing the outlined task.
So how is the game played?
First you will create a userid and signon at the
official site. Once there, you will return everyday to that site to spend money given to you by the Universe (God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Creator, whatever you are comfortable with). During this process of spending your gift from the Universe, you are supposed to track your feeling surrounding the purchase and your resistance to spending the money. There is a place for that on the site BUT I would like to use The Rich House as your forum of discussion where we will share whatever you want to share regarding the experience. In this manner, you go through the process with a group of friends as opposed to alone. We will support each other.
The Rules:
1. You must spend your entire check on that day
2. You are encouraged not to give your money away, if you can help it. This is not about being charitable. This process is designed to raise your Financial Set Point. A set point is the level at which you are comfortable with money. In other words, as much as we think we want more money, most of us wouldn't be comfortable with lots of money, that's why we don't have a lot. If we get it, we usually find a way to get back to our comfort zone.
For instance, let's say your set point is $50K. If by some stroke of luck you made $70k one year, the next year you would somehow find a way to come by less, even if it meant you lost it somehow to a bad event, just so you could be back in your comfort zone. I know you don't believe me, but play the game and see for yourself.
3. Don't loan money to anyone (if you can help it - we'll talk about this in the coming days)
4. Don't save any money for the next day -- the point to this is that there will ALWAYS be enough for what you want to do, if you draw it to you.
6. MY RULE - If you can't be positive during this expereince or if you don't believe it will work, then don't play and don't poison anyone else with your negativity.
In the event you don't want to play on the official site, I will give you the amount for the day.
Since it is day ONE, all of you have just been granted $100 to spend however you like. Write down what you will buy with that $100 and make a note how it makes you feel and if you have any resistance to spending it.
*By the way, as the days move forward, you will find that you may have to do some research, because you may not know how much your "something" costs.
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