
Rise of a Blog Star

A big congratulations goes out to my girl Saadia. She finally took the advice of some admiring fans (yours truly included) and created a book of poetry.

I can't wait to get my copy. It's already ordered.
You should treat yourself and pick up a copy for yourself.
You can find her at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Don't sit on this opportunity. You are getting the inside track. Since it all manifested here in blog land, you can get a jump on the rest of the world and get a limited edition pre-release copy. The official release is not until August.

Congratulations Saadia

'lavish lines and lucious lies"

Will be a sure hit.

If you are not hip to Saadia, by all means check her out at one of her many spots. She educates while she entertains, showing you various styles while she spills the lines across the screen.

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Rich House Rules, Take 1

Stop focusing on the problem. Create a Solution.

How many times have you looked at your situation and expressed verbally the obvious?

I don’t have anyone to love.
I’m broke
I’m unemployed
I’m tired
Etc, Etc, Etc.

A lot of us speak this way a great deal of the time, which is why the issue remains. In order to get the results we want we have to modify our approach a bit. I no longer think in terms of lack. What I have purposed to do is to modify my thinking because what I noticed is that there is proof all around me that I can have whatever it is I desire. So if the proof exists, I must me asking myself all the wrong questions and expressing all the wrong things.

There is a popular scripture that says you have not because you ask not. This is so true. Often times we prefer to complain than to simply ask for what we need/want. Or we’ve been asking and our situation hasn’t gotten any better. Maybe, the issue lies in asking the right questions. Instead of asking why am I always broke, what’s wrong with me, why won’t anyone hire me, begin to take the emphasis off the negative and place it on the positive. Begin to ask how you can create a better reality for yourself. Focus on the unlimited ability of God as opposed to the image of lack you see.

As you begin to make minor adjustments in the way you think, speak and operate, you will find that the windows of heaven have been open and that you just haven’t been accepting the gifts that have been raining down around, in and through you.

So, get out of your rut and begin to have creative days! You create your existence through your dominant thoughts, words and actions.

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The Time Has Come

There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.

A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to rebuild.

A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away.

A time to search and a time to lose. A time to keep and a time to throw away.

A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak up.

A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace.

A time to get to the work at hand.

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It's all in yo' head

Whatever it is you are working toward. The first thing you have to overcome is your own mind. That part of you that talks you out of your stuff.

The thing that says you aren't good enough, you don't have enough money to pull it off, nobody is going to like it, and all that other stuff we allow ourselves to entertain.
It's all garbage.

Tap into God and let HIM(her if you're a feminist) express heaven
through you.

That's what you are here for. To leave your mark on the world.

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Tagged Again

For some reason, people think I like playing tag. But since it's among fellow blogger's I guess I can't complain much. So here it is, the FIVE things I'm obsessing over.

1. Being the best man that I can be. Boy is this a hard one. It's hard because of my innate desire to be well liked. Being liked by others is not always possible especially when you get confronted with hard decisions. The biggest thing I'm learning is not to cower from uncomfortable situations by taking the easy way out. The road less traveled ultimately leads to greater success.

2. Getting my non-profit rolling. For at least a few years now, I have wanted to start an organization that helps people get out of debt and stay out of debt. I also have some unique ideas about how to do that. So, I'm purposing to finish a book I've had on the back burner for years, but more importantly, I'm going to package my seminar and courses so I can move into more of the work I love.

3. Writing. In this past year I have experienced some of the most positive encounters while persuing my literary interests. Since being introduced to blogging, I have been blessed to have met some very talented writers, online and off. My association with those people has given me the courage to move forward with a gift that God placed in me long ago. I'm just glad He saw fit to put these people in my life so that I could see more clearly. I've finally found something that I can see myself doing well into my Golden years. Writing is the one thing that I can get lost in but yet it has allowed me to find myself. So look forward to some upcoming fiction from yours truly.

4. Renewing my mind. I'm working hard to change old attitudes and ideologies that clearly are not working in my favor. It's time to touch the sky, so I'm trying hard to get out of my own way.

5. Creating a better tomorrow - this is probably a culmination of everything that's going on in my life. I just want things to be better all around, especially where my personal life is concerned. I want to create a situation that allows me to spend more time with my family (local and extended). I want to create more financial resources so that I can expose my family to some of things I have in my heart. I want to be in a position to be free to impact the lives of others without worry of taking care of home. I want to live life to the fullest.

That's it folks, the five things I'm obsessing over. For my five, I'll tag Saadia, just because she hates it as much as I do, then I'll go with Ced, DaveJ, DCSAAVY Star, and CAPcity. Hope y'all don't mind. This one actually wasn't so bad.

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Eat that POKE CHOP!!

A couple of weeks ago, I recieved this video in an email, and since I'm not one to just take what people say as golden, I put it to the test and guess what IT FAILED.

Interestingly, a lot of other people received it as well. It seems this video made it's way around America. It was featured on Break, Ebaumsworld, Myspace, and maybe some others. It received 3 million views in the first week from these sites alone, not to mention the half million on YouTube (where it wasn't even featured). Anyway, if you saw the following video, you can feel free to "Don't Believe The Hype".

Not only did I test it, but you can find many more videos out there proving this video wrong as well. So, go ahead, eat that pork chop, it tastes real good fried. Alright, let the pork preaching begin!

[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]

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Where are they now - roll call

I guess most of today's posts are inspired by Mizrepresent. I was playing the game of best musical battles on her blog and I could think of more names I haven't seen in the game than I could battles, so I wondered, who are some of the artists you miss?

Here are some of mine:

Angela Bofil
Keith Washington
Miles Jaye
Steve Arrington -- looked this one up - In 1986 Arrington experienced a religious conversion, left pop music, and is now a minister at his own Amazing Love Full Gospel Church in Kettering, Ohio, near Dayton.

Dana Dane
Chubb Rock
Rob Bass

Now I can't think of anymore. I had a ton of them earlier. Help me out, who do you remember?

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I hated tag as a kid

Alright, let this be the last time I get tagged. I'm not a player, I'm a coach.
But since Mizrepresent did the tagging, I guess I can indulge one of my newest partners for prime time.

Prince - His Purple Badness


2. DESCRIBE YOURSELF...Baby I'm a Star

3. YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE...Anotherloverholenyohead



6. SAY SOMETHING TO SOMEONE YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON...Do me Baby (to my wife of course)

7. SAY SOMETHING TO AN EX...When you were mine

8. SAY SOMETHING TO SOMEONE WHO HURT YOU SEVERLY...Why you wanna treat me so bad?


I won't put anyone else through this. No tagging from me.

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Day 21 - Prosperity Game

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Day 20 - Prosperity Game

I think there is a disconnect on some level regarding how to manifest the wealth that this game works to get you open to. So, next week I will work to add some posts that can possibly help to bring that into focus. In the meantime, lets finish strong. There are only 10 days to go. You never know what can happen in 10 days - the heavens just might open.

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Which Field are you in

Which field are you in?

White skies and white noise abound.

I hear the tireless chatter of other slaves

complaining about how massa don’t treat us right.

Work us long and hard

but instead of pay gives us a day off for being good niggas.

This massa even got white slaves, imagine that.

I think I’m gonna run away though.

Tried it before but it cost to have your

freedom papers, so I got to plan better this time.

This hear is my new massa.

I think he got something up his sleeve.

He smile more than my last one

Even let me roam the plantation how I please.

This massa is smart too

gives us slaves a nice hut up the

road from the plantation and a horse so we can get to and fro.

We comes back everyday like clockwork

to work in the field.

Other than the occasional grumbling most of us seem happy to do it.

He think he slick, this massa.

Got us feeling good to be his slaves.

But I don’t trust him

I want off this corporate plantation

I’m tried of working in this field.

It's high time for me to be free!

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Day 19 - Prosperity Game

Make sure you are really envisioning spending these dollars and note the feelings that come into play. In order to get the maximum benefit from the game, you have to put yourself in that moment.

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Off to a slow start

Sometimes you need a little laugh to start the week off. Enjoy.

[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]

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Friday's Feature

This weekend is mother's day.

I can't even begin to tell you what my mother meant to me. She was the stability in our family. She was the one who could be counted on in the crunch. Because of her, I want to be the best man I can be. I want to be the best provider. I want to spend time with my kids. I want to love my wife. I want to succeed in life. I want to be able to give her back a little of the joy that she brought into my life. It goes without saying that I love my momma.

So to all the mommas that make it happen, here's to you. You are appreciated.

**Check out today's music feature - it's just for you. **

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Day 18 - Prosperity Game

I don't know if I'm being greedy or if I'm just prepared for larger paydays but these amounts need to kick up a notch. How do you feel?

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Gone and Testify

I don't want to make this a theme day, but today we are going to testify about the goodness of the Lord. I know y'all would love for the Pastor to give you the mic, so here goes. Pastor Mega Rich (no relation to Creflo Dollar) is ready to hear you speak. Tell us what you are thankful for.

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Day 17 - Prosperity Game

Today I messed up. I forgot to get a copy of the check before I spent my money so today your check is for:


How would you spend that if you had to spend it all in a day. Visiting players are welcome to participate on a temporary basis.

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Cruel or Just Punishment

Full Story
ATTALLA, Alabama (AP) -- Shoppers entering the Wal-Mart Supercenter here got a reminder not to try anything funny: Two shoplifters stood outside with signs reading, "I am a thief; I stole from Wal-Mart."

Attalla City Judge Kenneth Robertson Jr. ordered the two people to wear the signs for four hours each during two successive Saturdays.

"The only comments we've heard so far have been positive," said store manager Neil Hawkins. "Most of them thought it was a good thing."

One of the shoplifters, Lisa King Fithian, 46, wore the sign from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to avoid a 60-day jail sentence. Another convicted shoplifter was at the store from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Fithian maintained her innocence. She said her conviction was based on a misunderstanding: She said she was taking a $7 item to the service desk because it would not scan.

Outside the store, she said people who saw her wearing the sandwich board commented that the punishment was "cruel."

Hawkins noted how embarrassing it would be for the public to see someone who got caught shoplifting.

"Maybe they'll think twice about doing it," he said.

What do you think of this type of punishment? Are there other creative tactics that should be employed to curb crime? Do you have any ideas you'd like to see in action? Let me know what you think.

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Day 16 - Prosperity Game

$16K for 16 Days.

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Sorry, I'm a champion

I'm feeling pretty good today. I decided to brush that dirt
off my shoulders and keep steppin.

I also figured I'd share my sight and sound reminder, in the event you experience some bad days in the near future and need to snap out of them.

It's not a dis song, it's just a real song.

You should check it out.

[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]

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Day 15 - Prosperity Game

You are halfway through the game (I think it's 30 days), so lets get creative, pull those desires out of the recesses of your mind.

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Love to the limit

Some lessons come fast and hard, but in the end they are still sweet.

Sometimes going to bat for someone you care about can cost you. Sometimes more than you care to pay. But the beauty is found when you know your intentions were pure and at the end of the day you can still live with yourself and look yourself in the mirror.

So, no matter what you do. Live righteous and live without regret.
You might lose a few battles, but your integrity remains intact.

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Friday Feature

I have been blessed to have met some pretty wonderful people during this whole blogging process. On yesterday I received a gift that touched me in a very special way. Interestingly enough, it was offered kind of in passing but I'm sure it will have a lasting affect on my life. Having received the gift, I'm reminded of how God continues to love on me despite any shortcomings that I might have. I am so blessed that He has seen fit to place all of you who take the time to share a part of your lives through this forum into my life.

So my wish is for you all to have a RICH and fulfilling day.

*you might want to press pause on that ROOTS piece I'm dropping for you all right now. There is a message in there. I hope you got it. Keep rocking the mic.

[click "play" (the arrow button) to watch]

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Day 13 - Prosperity Game

I see my participants are falling off. I know you aren't telling the universe not to send you the money, because you don't have time for it. Stick in there. To play at this level requires thought and intestinal fortitude.

Imagine spending $10K today, how does it make you feel?

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Day 12 - Prosperity Game

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Funny like that

There is something I'd like to admit out loud. I'm very territorial of my close friends and I don't like it when new people come along and seemingly wisk them away from me. I've experienced this in the past but just rolled with the punches and told myself to stop tripping it's no big deal. The end result was that my relationship with that person grew apart; to the point that we rarely kick it anymore. I guess we stopped making our friendship a priority and life ultimately got in the way, but we're still cool when we see each other, but it just doesn't have that feeling of satisfaction like it did in times past.

I haven't really thought much about that until recently when I noticed myself feeling this way again, like someone was impeding on my territory without my permission. Again, my immediate response was that I was tripping, because its not like I have control over who my friends kick it with. But the feeling left me with questions. I wanted to better understand this phenomenon. I've been wondering, is this some juvenile emotion taking place, or do other adults experience similar angst when their loved ones befriend another?

I'm putting myself out there, but inquiring minds want to know. Is it just me or do others encounter this same thing? Could this be God's way of pushing us into new seasons? You know the old addage, some friendships are for a season, some for a lifetime, yada yada yada. What do you think?

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Day Eleven - Prosperity Game

This game has been a great excercise for me because as I'm playing, I'm coming into money and opportunities that will allow me to excercise what I'm doing here. What I also realize is that I still have to struggle with old thought patterns when money presents itself. The fear of lack can be very prevalent and real. What will you do to change those emotions so that when miracles happen in your life, you don't hold yourself back or worse move backwards.

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